Saturday, September 1, 2012

Testing...1,2, 3

8/31/2012 WOD:
800 Meter Run
75 Snatches (25 lb)
800 Meter Run
Time: 19:57

I thought it was just me that this week's WODs seemed a bit tougher than the norm, but then I found out last night that it was test week. A week to complete standard WODs to measure your progress. A heads up would have been nice! Thankfully we have an amazing group of trainers at PDCF who helped me through it since it was my first. Plus I got a guaranteed week of PRs!

Last night's WOD was just as tough as the previous ones this week. I may or may not have said that I prefer "Fran" to this workout. Somehow in my time at PDCF I've been able to avoid having to do any snatches. So of course my first encounter with them is doing a ridiculous amount. The guy who teaches most of the classes I attend was really focused on all of us doing our snatches with proper form as not to hurt our backs and to be more efficient. I love that he cares so much! He would rather us use less weight and complete all 75 reps properly than to RX the WOD. It makes me really happy that they care so much! I don't feel like I go there just for them to collect my money, but because they actually want me to do well and progress.

Funny thing about the snatches, once we were taught proper form, I only felt it in my legs while doing them. Those last 15 were torture! However, we soon as I stepped out the door for my run, my legs felt fine and my arms felt like they weight about 50 lbs each. I would say my run more of a very fast walk than a run, it was brutal! And the fact that it was the first humid and warmer day in about 2 weeks didn't help.

The best part about test week is that while I may have been slightly immobile directly after the WOD, I haven't been sore the next day one bit. I love how quickly your body can adapt, even when you push it hard!

Now to enjoy this long weekend with friends and family! Good bye wonderful summer, thanks for all the fantastic memories. Hello fall, I'm looking forward to some fun adventures together!

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