Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Itty bitty baby

9/11/2012 WOD:
'Brynn' 7 RFT
9 Wall Balls (8 lb)
6 Pistols (band assisted)
12 Pull-ups (banded)
200 meter run
TIme: 22:45

Tonight's workout was in honor of one of our regular's new little baby girl, Brynn. She was born last week weighing in at 7 lbs, 6 oz (7 RFT) on 9/6/2012. And for being just a few days old, she sure is one tough cookie!

Tonight was my first experience with pistols and thankfully we got off to a pretty good start. A legit pistol is doing a one legged squat with one leg stretched out in front and your hips getting lower than your knee. Go ahead and give it a shot, I'll wait. Sounds easy in theory, right? I was also introduced tonight to about 3 or 4 variations that can be done if you can't do a real pistol. The choice our instructor preferred that I went with was using my pull-up band to help lower myself down and back up while still being able to keep the weight in my heels.

I'm not sure if it was from the painting this weekend or what, but the pull-ups tonight were pretty tough. Seeing only 12 on the board I felt like it would be doable but I struggled. I may have even let out my first grunt, though I don't think anyone heard so there is no proof it actually happened.

I spent my evening recovering in the hammock. The weather this week has been absolutely perfect! Clear skies and 60 degrees at night. If only the mosquitoes would vanish I think I could sleep out there. My goal is to spend at least an hour a day/night soaking it in each day this week while the good weather is hanging around. So far I've been successful. We'll have to wait and see what the rest of the week brings!

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