Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Houston, we have a problem!

9/18/2012 WOD:
50-40-30-20-10 reps
Medicine Ball Sit-Ups (8 lb)
Time: 23:12

The workout looked so short and simple on the board. It was very misleading! Before the WOD got started I was purposefully trying not to do the math to see what the total number of reps was, but just a few minutes before the torture began a friend of mine blurted out that it was 150 reps. Ugh! I cried a little on the inside for half a second then told myself I have done 205 burpees at once before and that I would survive this one too!

Last night I was exhausted! After showering up, which was a workout in itself,  I planted my happy ass on the couch and got cozy for the remainder of the night. Surprisingly today the only thing mildly sore is my back between my shoulder blades. I blame the medicine ball. That bastard!

Next week is a free week at PDCF for anyone interested in seeing what CrossFit is all about. I sent out a few texts last night and might have some friends joining in on the fun! Though it is with much excitement and sadness that I will have to alter my usual routine next week and may miss out on some of the fun with the my friends.

Early next Thursday morning I'll be Disney bound for 5 days! And while I am THRILLED to be going to Disney and to be on vacation for a few days, I'm already working on some WODs I can do on my own at the hotel. I know I've joked that I may have a problem and could be addicted, but when it first crossed my mind to research workouts to do on my own I realized I really might have a problem. I suppose it's not a bad addiction and it could be much worse, but it's still a problem. I should be able to go to the happiest place on earth and totally forget about CrossFit. But I can't. I'm even already planning on getting back in there the Monday we drive back so continue with my squat progression just because I don't want to get behind! (read: HELP ME!)

At this point with next week being free and the possibility of friends being around, I am planning on going Monday-Wednesday and will have a back-up WOD on hand in case I'm feeling froggy down in Orlando for Friday morning before we hit the parks. Oh yeah, there is a silly little run I'm registered for Saturday night too. Just a little ten-miler that I am in no way prepared for!

What is wrong with me!?!?!

While I'm sure this fabulous trip will provide me with a few firsts and new experiences I cannot anticipate, I am planning on taking on two little experiments during this vacation.

First, a couple months back I bought some yarn and needles with the intention of taking up the hobby of knitting. It never happened. I never even got started. With 14+ hours in the car looming over me, I'm going to attempt to knit a scarf on the way down and back. It might not be a wearable scarf, but dammit it will be a scarf!

Second, through a very sarcastic and smart-ass remark said to me by a friend, I decided that I was going to purchase and wear mouse-ears the entire time I'm in the parks. On every trip to Disney that I can recall, I have left with a souvenir pair of ears, but always on the way out. I don't think I've ever actually worn them for more than an hour after purchasing them, let alone in the parks. I always feel the 'Disney magic' when I'm there, even as an adult, but I'm curious if this experiment will make it more magical or if I'll just feel like a moron wearing a silly hat!

Expect a full report upon my return. And maybe some embarrassing photos!

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