Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Women and I just don't get along.

9/4/2012 WOD:
400 meter run
21 Kettlebell Swings (18 lb)
12 Pull-ups (banded)
Time: 11:11 (PR)

The ladies just keep coming! Tonight I met Helen. She and I are on better terms than Cindy and I are, though she's still just as much a bitch! I have a feeling I won't be good friends with any of these women I meet during my WODs. However, I do like them more now than I probably will down the road since I'm still guaranteed a PR.

I was pretty pleased with my time tonight. Our trainer pushed everyone to get under 10 minutes, which I didn't think was realistic so being only 1:11 behind made me pretty happy. And I really really love our regular trainer! He knows his shit and he really cares. He made all of us do a little extra warm-up to get our hips loose and open for the swings and for those doing kipping pull-ups. Just the little added touches like that make my membership fees totally worth it!

Just like with last Friday's workout, my arms felt like they weighed a hundred pounds when I had to go out for my runs. At one point I was just letting them hang straight down because I didn't have the strength to hold them up. After I finished up one of the regulars going on the second heat gave me a low-five just so I wouldn't have to raise my arms. I wanted to hug him for it! If anyone is curious how much you use your arms running, try doing a few kettlebell swings and pull-ups before a run and let me know what you think.

While technically I've hit the two month mark if you count my intro class and fundamental classes, but by the end of the week I'll be two months through regular WODs. I can't believe it's been that long! And I can't believe I'm still just as enthusiastic, if not more, than I was on day one. And that I've gone 3-4 days a week, every week. A lot of things about me and my routine have changed this summer, but this one has been the biggest and best by far. I am beyond happy with my decision to join PDCF and to have CrossFit become part of my regular routine. I love it!

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