Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Get With the Program

3/26/2013 WOD:
12 min AMRAP
20 Double Unders (80 singles)
20 Sit-Ups
20 yd Walking Lungs
Reps: 268 

Extra Work: Pull ups, Double Unders, & Power Clean, 55 & 65 lbs 
Tabata: Row

I'm sore. That's all I'm going to say about last night's workout. I left feeling like I was all over the place but didn't feel like I had been overworked. I woke up feeling tight.

After a few discussions with the boyfriend about how to progress my squats and other things I want to work on while I'm in there (double unders, pull-ups, cleans, overhead squats, handstand holds), I've come up with my own little program for the next few weeks so I'm not wander around all willy-nilly doing whatever I feel like. I won't get anywhere just playing around.

Here's what I have so far:
Clean: 3 x 3 [starting 65 lbs]
Squat: 1 x 5 [heavy, 115-120 lbs], 3 x 7/8 [lighter, 100 lbs]
Press/Bench Press (Rotate weekly): 3 x 5[starting 50 lbs]
Deadlift: 1 x 5 [starting 130 lbs]
*maintain all weights for a few weeks then progress 5 lbs*
Double Unders: 5 minutes

WOD [solo or class, 10-15 min]
Pull-up:5 x 5 [banded]
Tabata [movement varies weekly]

WOD [solo or class, 10-15 min]
Pull-up: 5 x 5 [negatives]
OH Squat:3 x 5 [starting 35 lbs]
*Possible second day squat if no Saturday workout*

Squat: 1 x 5 [lighter, 95-100 lbs], 3 x 2 [heavy, 5 lb progression each set]
WOD [With Boyfriend, 10-15 minutes]
Handstand Hold: 3 attempts
Double Unders: 5 minutes

Seeing it in writing makes me VERY excited! Of course I'll adapt as needed and make changes were I see fit. Add in or remove things I'm working on as needed. Should be fun! For those that don't know me, I enjoy structure and routine so this is right up my alley.

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Lazy Sunday

3/25/2013 LP:
Back Squat: 1x2, 115lb, 1x5, 110lb, 3x8, 95lb
Press: 3x6, 45lb
Deadlift, 1x5, 125lb
Double Under Work

Not having a second squat day in the week (usually Saturday) I wasn't feeling as good for last night's squats. I attempted 115 but almost couldn't get up on my second rep so I dropped back to 110. Though I have a fun new game plan to help me get my weights progressing again the next time I get in for a second day. This was also my first day squatting in the new Rogue racks. They're much smaller than the old power racks we had. I also was giving it another shot in my vibrams and I think I need to go back to the chucks. I catch myself pulling forward and my knees coming in slightly in the vibrams. Not what I need to be doing!

All the 2.5 lb plates were taken so I had to stick with the bar for my press but tacked on an extra rep for fun.  It was my last week at the 125 mark for deadlift. It wasn't my best performance, but not bad. I just kind of started it without much thinking. I am looking forward to moving up to 130 again next week.

Brief recap of the weekend:

  • Volunteered for the O-Run on Saturday. It rained almost the entire time and was cold. However, watching teams try to get a 65 and 90 lb dummy over a high bar was plenty entertaining! 
  • Finally got warm and stayed in to watch Zero Dark Thirty. Very intense! 
  • Sunday brunch!!!  (Great substitute, syrup was heavenly)
  • Lazy Sunday.  I had on pajamas until almost 2pm. That never happens!
  • Hosted family dinner with my folks
Week is fantastic so far and getting better by the day. Woke up to my phone finally getting the 4.2.2 update. Only a four day work week. Trip to NC on Friday so the boyfriend can get his first tattoo. Fun times with his family. Easter lunch with my fam. And the return of spring weather! 

Saturday, March 23, 2013

New Toys

3/21/2013 WOD:
2 Overhead Squats (35 lb)
3 Box Jumps (20")
Time: 4:00

Another Thursday, another solo workout. Only three more weeks of Open workout remaining, then I might join back in with the class again. Ready for it!

I stole this workout from CrossFit Football. I like their workouts a lot. Good rationale behind their programming. I've considered following it as my sole programming but I don't think I'm ready to commit just yet. Though it's still in the back of my mind.

This was the shortest workout I've done in a long time, but boy did my quads feel like jello after. I was really surprised given how few reps I was doing. Sure it was eight rounds, but that's only 16 squats total! I haven't done overhead squats in months. It's something I need to work into my programming more. I felt much more comfortable with them than I did the last time, but I'd like to get the weight up some more. Its really interesting how all the different kinds of weighted squats feel different. Overhead is totally the most difficult to me!

The best part of the night at the gym was that the first shipment from Rogue had arrived. New plates, squat racks, another pull-up rig, and all kinds of other goodies. I cannot wait to see how the place looks when everything is installed and what the new layout is. It's going to be fantastic!

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Nerd alert!

3/19/2013 WOD:
5 Power Cleans (55 lbs)
20 Double Unders (80 singles)
Time: 8 minutes

I did another solo workout instead of playing with the class. I'm starting to feel guilty for rarely doing class work, but they're still moving s slow! I opted for doing one that included two things I needed to work on. However, attempting double unders in the first round I realized I was going to be there all night. It took me forever just to get five so I moved on to singles instead. From being on my toes to pull in the clean and then again for the singles, the balls of my feet were pretty achy when I was finished.

In addition to getting back into the four day a week routine, I'm also going to start a three day a week program to help me get to my pull-ups (hopefully)! I'll work in into what I'm already doing so it shouldn't require any crazy amount of extra time.

I'm on super high nerd alert at the moment! Verizon is FINALLY releasing the second Jelly Bean update (4.2) for the Galaxy Nexus this week. I found out on Tuesday and have been staring at my phone waiting for the little notification to pop up. I know, I know...a watched pot never boils!

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Hippy Report

3/16/2013 WOD:
10 min AMRAP
Push Press (45 lb)
Pull-Up (banded)
Rounds: 4

3/18/2013 LP:
Back Squat: 1x5, 110 lbs, 3x8, 95 lbs
Bench Press: 3x5, 50 lbs
Deadlift: 1x5, 125 lbs

I learned a very very valuable lesson over the past few days. Do not ever try double-unders wearing vibram five fingers. Or any shoe that allows the top of your foot to be exposed. I hurts like a bitch when you don't quite jump high enough and the rope smacks the top of your foot. Stupid me, it took me three different attempts to really learn my lesson.

Saturday's workout wasn't my favorite but wasn't the worst in the world either. I mostly didn't like having to get into the band for just one pull-up. However it was quick and relatively painless so no real complaints!

The boyfriend coach and I had to fight over the last remaining squat rack last night. I'm way ready for the new rigs and equipment to come in. Even more excited to see how the overall layout changes. Back to the progression...we really didn't have to fight, just alternated between sets. I did feel guilty that he kept having to unload and reload all his weight, but he was adamant that we swap. Gotta do what coach says, right? Coach also told me to add an extra rep to my lighter load on the squat. Success! I think he might know what he's talking about. I also think he might be doing a bit of experimentation on me since women can do things slightly differently than men when it comes to weight lifting. Thus the higher reps. I don't mind playing guinea pig every now and then.

I'm two days late but this weekend was absolutely fantastic! Spent almost all of it outdoors. Walking, shopping at the market, eating, building a raised garden, getting some sun by the pool. All kinds of good stuff! Sadly next weekend is looking colder and rainy. Finger's crossed it's the last bit of winter!

Now for my full report on my hippy experiment. At least until full S.C. summer hits, I'm sticking with my new coconut oil and baking soda deodorant. I went all day Friday and into Saturday afternoon without reapplication (don't judge my lack of shower, I went for a morning workout and worked in the yard, why shower for that?!?) and I didn't stink! I noticed a slight bit more sweat on Sunday on a walk, but still no odor. So I'd say it works great as a deodorant and only okay as an anti-perspirant on excessively warm days. I didn't notice excess sweat while working out at all the past few days. I'm only a few days in and it's already seamlessly in my morning routine. I'll report back again once the heat starts coming in.

Friday, March 15, 2013

Gone Hippy

3/14/2013 WOD:
5 Pull-ups (Banded)
20 OH Walking Lunge (10 lb)
5 Push-ups (1 set strict, 4 set knee)
20 Sit-ups
Time: 12:41

I went into the gym in a pretty foul mood. The following didn't help:

  •  As predicted, the class was doing the 13.2 from the Open. It was a quick and relatively painless workout but as I said last week, if I wanted to do workout from the Open I would have signed up for it. Give us a break! 
  • I had planned to do a power clean/double under mix but the gym is low on 10 lb bumper plates with the new shipment on order so I couldn't load a bar up to the weight I wanted. Don't toss out the old torn up bumpers until the new ones come in! How are we supposed to work with only a few sets of plates? Come on!
  • Double unders were not happening pre-workout no matter what I tried. I had red whip marks to prove it. Legs, jump higher dammit! 
  • People were lingering around for an hour waiting to for official scoring to start for the Open. Why stand around for an hour? Show up at 6:15, get warmed up and wait your turn when scoring starts at 6:30. Don't you people have kids to feed or dogs to walk? UGH! 
See, if I try hard enough I can accurately reenact the foulness so you truly get the mood I'm going for. Did it work?

Anywho, I opted for a repeat performance of a self-programmed WOD I've done twice before. Sadly, my time was a good minute slower than last time. I blame the mood and not being in a hurry to walk from the pull-up right alllllllllll the way over to my tiny space on the floor for lunges, push-ups and sit-ups. I did tweak a small piece. Instead of doing negative pull-ups, I opted for banded. April is nearing and I'll be damned if I don't get a pull-up by 4.30.2013.

Soooooo I went a little hippy this morning. First some back story  Lately I've been trying to rely on cleaning products loaded with chemicals less and less. Lots of vinegar, baking soda, borax and coconut oil goodness going on in my house. This led to me thinking about what was in some of the beauty products I use. For a girl, I think my beauty regimen is pretty slim. However, there are a few things I just can't live without, but I figured I'd try. First up was using coconut oil as a face-wash/moisturizer. It worked beautifully and had zero complaints, especially in saving a few steps since it was an all-in-one, but the hairs around my face became oily and it drove in crazy. Unfortunately coconut oil face-wash was out and Neurtrogena Naturals system was back in. Other fun uses for coconut oil in the shower I played with were shaving cream (sadly it clogs up the razor head quickly) and in-shower moisturizer, perfect on cold dry days (This one is sticking around!).

Doing some more reading on natural beauty products and coconut oil uses I stumbled upon a mix of baking soda and coconut oil as deodorant. I was a little hesitant because it took me ages to find a deodorant that would work for me (Thanks, Dove!) but I figured it couldn't hurt. Worse case, I don't smell so hot for one day. Well I'm almost a full work day into the experiment in which I've had my office heater on and wore a black hoodie in the sun at lunch and no sweat! And I smelly coconutty fresh! I'm going to really test it tomorrow with a workout before I make my verdict. If all goes to plan, hello homemade deodorant mix, goodbye aluminum laden pit stick! Stay tuned for results! 

P.S. While I enjoy eliminating unpronounceable chemicals from my life, there are some things that are just damn convenient that won't ever be replaced. Sorry personal welfare, I'm a bit lazy sometimes. 

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Drop It Like A Squat

3/11/2013 LP:
Back Squat: 1 x 5, 115 lbs, 3 x 7, 95 lbs
Press: 3 x 5, 50 lbs
Deadlift: 1 x 5, 125 lbs

3/12/2013 WOD:
400 m run
21 Kettlebell Swings (26 lb)
12 Push-Ups (knee)
Time: 12:09

Progression on Monday went great after some minor adjustments. The owner of our gym is getting lots of new equipment so some of the old stuff is already out, including two of the four squat racks. Luckily we were able to make it work. I'm really enjoying doing the one heavy set of squats and then the higher rep set at a comfortably heavy weight. I also went up again on the deadlift this week. Only 25 lbs to go!

In the middle of my set of squats I noticed a girl wearing this shirt that I MUST have in my wardrobe. I need it. Badly! I found it online but then spent the better part of my morning designing my own on a few different sites, that I like even better. However, I'm doing a self-experiment of not buying myself anything other than the necessities (food, gas, etc) until May in the hopes that I gain more appreciation for what I already have. I know it's a terrible idea and I should just buy the damn shirt, but I can't bring myself to do it before May 1st. That said, someone can buy it for me before then. Any takers?

I went in last night with every intention of doing the class WOD but I did solo work instead. It was a good WOD, but with warm-ups still happening at 5:30 instead of before plus 5 minutes of double under work and a hang power snatch max effort all before the class ever started, it would have been a late night. With the weather being gorgeous I wanted to incorporate a run so an semi-Helen WOD was suggested. I swapped the pull-ups for push-ups and did the entire workout outside. And it was fantastic! Now if only I hadn't bruised my knee further doing the push-ups. Oh well!

I'm about halfway through the month of going strict paleo and so far things are going pretty well. I'd still steal a cupcake from Sweet from a small child if given the chance, but other than that my cravings are pretty much under control. I've been very diligent with planning every meal ahead (thanks Google docs) and trying to change things up so I'm not getting bored. I'm also using my crockpot more so I don't get tired of having to stand over the stove for every meal. Tonight I'm serving Mirepoix Chicken and it looks super yummy! I've never cooked a whole chicken in the crockpot before so I'm curious to see how it turns out. Fingers crossed it's tasty!

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Good day sunshine!

3/9/2013 LP/WOD:
Back Squat: 3x7, 95 lbs

10 Power Cleans (45 lb)
10 Pull-ups (banded)
10 Double Unders
Time: 12:13

The college kid joined me for a fun little workout I made up. Not so much fun as it was tough. Those cleans and pull-ups did a number on my arms. So much for washing my car today! My favorite part was doing double unders. And I finally got two double unders stung together while I was warming up. Wahoo!

While in the gym yesterday a few people were coming in to get scored for the Open WOD. Watching them was torture. It just looks so brutal! I'm curious to see what's on the menu next week for them. And I'm mega glad I have no intentions of ever participating in the open.

Yesterday at the market I discovered that they carry cream cheese. I haven't been so happy about a find at the market ever! Not exactly sure what I want to do with it yet, the boyfriend suggested added some to our mashed sweet potatoes last night. It was AMAZING! So much so that I cooked another sweet potato this morning and had it as a mid-morning snack. Thank you Happy Cow Creamery! It is mega yummy!

Spending as much time outside today as possible! Warmer weather + extra sunlight = one happy girl!

Friday, March 8, 2013

Annie Get Your Gun

3/7/2013 WOD:
50-40-30-20-10 reps
Double Unders (Singles x 4)
Time: 12:42 (PR)

40 second PR! While I want to say it was because of my fancy new jump rope from Rogue, I know that's not totally the case. Whatever the reasoning is I'm perfectly happy with it! I'm very glad I had already decided to do Annie on my own and not the WOD with the class because they were having to do Open 13.1. I didn't sign up for the open for a reason so I won't be doing the WODs. I might want to come up with an alternate plan for the next few Thursdays in case it becomes a pattern.

I hightailed it out of the gym so I could feed my pups, get cleaned up and get a walk in with the boyfriend before meeting two of my ladies for dinner! I had a blast and cannot wait for summer to get her so they're around more. We were the last people in the restaurant when we left. And yay me for completely ignoring the basket of bread on the table. I wanted to eat the entire thing. Grand times!

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Hangin' Tough

3/5/2013 WOD:
Max Hang Power Clean: 75 lb
10 Hang Power Cleans (50% max - 40 lbs)
5 Handstand Push-ups (stinkbugs)
Time: 7:01

I was ready to stop at 60 lbs. I tried 3 times to clean it and it wasn't getting up. Then the boyfriend, our trainer and a female member who I have mad respect for all came over and told me to do it again. First try, I cleaned 60. I love the excitement our trainer gets when someone does something they didn't think they could do! Then the super encouraging lady told me to keep going, put five more pounds on. So I did, after two or three attempts I got it up. Five more, got it. Five more, got it again! I tried 80 lbs about five times but it just wasn't happening. She and our trainer told me I had the pull, I just needed to get under it. I was super excited the three of them pushed me to keep going and I didn't settle. My bruised collarbones are totally worth it!

The rest of the workout was hard and fast but I loved it! I love the quick ones when you can go all out. No time for catching your breath or grabbing a towel. Just keep going and get it done. My arms were useless for the remainder of the evening. Washing dishes was a chore for a whole different reason.

I'm glad to be getting back to my old routine again. To be getting excited about classes again. To be hitting new PRs and benchmarks. All around it's a wonderful time!

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Squat Heavy Often

3/4/2013 LP:
Back Squat: 1 x 5, 115 lbs;  3 x 7, 95 lbs
Press: 3 x 5, 45 lbs
Deadlift: 1 x 5, 95 lbs; 1 x 5, 120 lbs

The squat is a tricky little beast! This is my third time hitting the 115 mark and each time has been different. The first time it was heavy but I managed and moved on. The second time it was easier and my depth was much lower. And this last time it felt incredibly heavy and I backed off. It is incredibly frustrating!

The boyfriend coach suggested I put 115 off until next week and do a higher rep set at a more comfortable weight. So that's what I did. If you include the set at 115 I did 11 reps more than I usually do on my lift days so I left feeling great about my work. I'm planning on doing the 3 x 7 again on Saturday at 95 lbs to hopefully get me ready for next Monday.

I must have just been off in general because I struggled to get 50 lbs on the press so I backed it up to 45 again. I'm very ready to progress more there but my little arms just aren't having it.

At least I can count on the ol' deadlift. After my warm-up set I knew 120 would still be a breeze and thankfully I was right. I think I'll do one more week at 120 then it's time to move up again. I just decided, right this second, that 150 is my goal. I have zero clue if that's realistic or not. I do know that 135 was my max back in August so I think 150 is a reasonable goal, right?!?

On day five of the paleo challenge and things are going great so far. No real sugar cravings which is very surprising, but I am feeling some withdrawal symptoms. I've only eaten two pineapple since Saturday. Real progress from last time when I consumed nine pineapples in the first seven days. Though overall fruit consumption is still up. Super excited to change things up today and meet my old friend from college for lunch. Hopefully catching up will help me overcome the rage I have toward any and everything at work right now!

Monday, March 4, 2013

Nerd Alert!

Yep, I ordered my own jump rope. Don't judge me! The ones we have at PDCF aren't efficient enough. Nor are they customized to my size.

Okay that's just what I told myself so dish out the $26 for a jump rope. But it's going to help with my double unders, right?!?

For my next trick, I'll be convincing myself I need my own kettlebell!

Friday, March 1, 2013

30 Day Challenge

2/28/2013 WOD:
2 Person Team, 1 person working at a time
2 min Max Effort Lunges (yards)
2 min Max Effort Toes to Bar
2 min Max Effort Wall Balls (8 lb)
2 min Max Effort Double Unders
2 min Max Effort Handstand Push-ups (Stinkbugs)
2 min Max Effort Power Cleans (45 lb)
Reps: 294

I really enjoyed this workout! A bunch. And it went by sooooo fast. All of a sudden the trainer said, next movement is Power Cleans. How did that happen so fast? I teamed up with one of the 5:30 regulars who still scales things like I do so we made a good team. He pulled his weight when I was lacking (stinkbugs) and I pulled mine when he was tired (power cleans). I loved it and it got me excited to do classes again too!

The absolute best part of the night was that I decided I would go for double unders instead of converting singles. Every one I attempted I got!!! Even with insanely sore calves from practicing on Tuesday. Granted my calves are just as sore today. Must practice more!

The college kid is heading home today for Spring Break. I'm super excited to have her around for a week. Hopefully she'll come up to PDCF for a few workouts too! Even more exciting is that she wants to give Paleo a shot this summer when she's no longer relying on a meal plan. I love it!

Today is Day 1 of the 30 day paleo challenge with my parents. The boyfriend picked up a copy of Primal Blueprint for my parents to read. And my mom is eating it up! So much so that she asked if she can put off starting until Sunday or Monday so she can have a better understanding before she jumps in. I am thrilled with her enthusiasm about this. She's even thinking about coming up to PDCF Saturday morning to see what my workouts are all about and will be joining us at the local market to do some shopping. Her excitement over this has carried over to me. Dealing with sugar withdrawals over the next week will be a breeze knowing they're excited about this new adventure. I hope they've enjoyed it as much as I have, even without my personalization, and stick it out long term.