Friday, August 31, 2012

Welcome to the world of grown-ups

Today is a day of firsts for sure! I just finished my first cup of coffee. Let me change that. I just finished and enjoyed my first cup of coffee. Who knew coffee was enjoyable? I certainly didn't think it was possible.

I've always really adored the way coffee smelled, but couldn't get past it's bitterness. I decided a few months back when I was trying to get into a better morning routine that I eventually wanted to make coffee a part of that routine. Now that I'm a few weeks into a pretty good schedule of waking up earlier and cooking myself breakfast, coffee was the last piece of the puzzle.

I decided I didn't want to start this new habit with fancy blended and expensive coffee drinks from Starbucks. And having total hard-asses for a mother and grandmother who only drink their coffee black, I decided flavored creamer should be out to. No sense in drinking coffee if it tastes like a cinnamon bun, right?  Just cream and sugar for me.

One of my favorite things about this new habit I hope to form is that I finally get to drink coffee out of my fun MINI mug I was given ten ago when I got my first Cooper. I knew I hung onto it for a reason. 

Unfortunately my mug doesn't make my desk look anymore grown-up. 
Boy oh boy was I productive this morning! I had one of my regular Friday duties, that I usually drag out all day, finished by 8:35. And the rest of my work done by 9:25.

What am I supposed to do now? Internet here I come!

Thursday, August 30, 2012

All girls are bitches

8/30/2012 WOD:
Thrusters (35 lb)
Pull ups (banded)
Time: 8:03 (PR)

Its a good thing I wasn't ready to start sanding tonight because Fran would have put a halt to it just like Cindy did on Tuesday. And just like Cindy, Fran is a cruel bitch! I'm happy I finally met her, I knew our introduction was bound to happen sooner or later. At least she's quick! She puts me at 110 pull ups so far this week, mind boggling!

I'm capping off my night watching the first college football game of the season! Another reminder that fall is right around the corner. Its my first time watching live games through ESPN 3 and so far so good. First time watching a game by candle light. First time my sister and I haven't been in-state rivals since she was born.  And first time in a while that I won't have anyone around to whine about how horrible college football is. Its going to be a great season!

Go gamecocks!!!

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Cindy is a bitch!

8/28/2012 WOD:
AMRAP, 20 minutes
5 pull-ups (banded)
10 push-ups
15 air squats
Rounds: 12 + 5 squats (PR)

CrossFit has a few benchmark WODs all named after girls. Tonight I was introduced to Cindy. She and I aren't friends! However, since it was my first time meeting Cindy I automatically got a PR which was a lovely way to start the night. After doing a little calculation I realized that I somehow managed to do 65 pull-ups, 130 push-ups, and 180 squats. If only I hadn't taken that water break or re-chalked my hands I probably could have finished that 13th round. However, 12 was my goal so I'll take it!

I had all intentions of spending my Tuesday evening on step-2 of my current redecorating project. After three years living in my house I finally pulled down the wall paper in the hallway last night. Its the only wallpaper in my house and I never really had a problem with it, but I was ready to liven things up a bit. With the paper down, tonight was supposed to be spent sanding down the walls so I could paint tomorrow. Well Cindy ruined that. My arms and legs feel like jello!

So instead I'm going to spend my evening by candlelight listening to some new tunes and reading. I'm still really enjoying my nights by candlelight. Since I've started I've been waking up somewhere between 5 and 6 every single day. I slept until 6:30 the other day and felt like I was sleeping in! The crazy thing is that I'm not really going to sleep earlier than I was before the candle experiment started and I have yet to feel tired. I'm not sure if its just the candles or if it's also because I have more energy from working out. Either way I'm starting to enjoy the new routine and having the extra time in the mornings. It's been a welcomed change.

Monday, August 27, 2012

Star light, star bright

The weather this weekend has been absolutely amazing! I spent my early morning bundled up on my deck reading and soaking it in. After about an hour or so I concluded that I wanted to spend as much time outside today as possible. I also decided that with fall weather right around the corner that it was time I replace my hammock.

I spent the better part of my afternoon in and around my parents pool with my college kid friend. And after I headed to Lowes to get some tools to help with wallpaper removal and figured I would check out the hammocks while I was there.

Twenty minutes later I was leaving with an amazing deal on a super nice hammock. Once I got it home I very quickly realized it was too big for my stand. Not willing to throw in the towel I hooked one end to a tree and the other to the stand and hammock happiness ensued.

At dusk I headed out to spend my evening star gazing, something I have never done from the comfort of a hammock before. It was wonderful. Easily the highlight of my week!

I'm even more excited about the fall now with my latest purchase. And I'm looking forward to spending more time out there with the stars.

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Hello Max

8/25/2012 WOD:
Tabata, 16 minutes
Kettle bell swing
1 arm Kettle bell push press
1 arm Kettle bell push press
Goblet squat
Reps: 238

I've said it before, I really like tabatas. I also really enjoy the kettle bell. However, kettle bell tabatas aren't necessarily my favorite. Especially kettle bell push presses. Whoa man those are tough! Fun fact, every single time I was able to do more reps with my left arm which is my non-dominant hand. Strange!

After this mornings class I had decided I wanted to see what my max dead lift was. My trainer friend was working so he helped me with it. After doing a 'warm up' of 3 reps at 65 lbs he loaded up the bar with 95 lbs, the most I have attempted to lift to date. After a little assistance with my form, I was able to pick it up without much hesitation. At that point I decided 120 was my goal because that would be just slightly more than I weigh which boggles my mind. So on we went. 110 lbs, lifted. 125 lbs, lifted. Finally, 135 lbs, done.

Just a few weeks ago my college kid friend was doing dead lifts at 135 lbs and I couldn't get it to budge. I am beyond thrilled with myself that I was able to pick up the bar. As soon as I dropped it both my trainer friend and the college kid told me I could do more because it looked like it wasn't much of a struggle and because I didn't grunt. It was not easy by any means and for a split second I didn't think I was getting it off the ground. Next time I go in on a Saturday I want to see if I've improved on my max clean. Or maybe see what my front or back squat is since I'm totally clueless on both of those. Either way I'm really happy with myself and knowing that I'm improving makes it all worth sweat and bruises.

The rest of my weekend has been fabulous so far! My college kid came home on Friday after her first week being back at school. I REALLY missed having her around this week, it just wasn't the same. Thankfully day long text messaging and a few phone calls kept me sane until she returned. We got some quality time in this weekend at PDCF, a girls dinner at Moes, and even managed to squeeze in a chick-flick yesterday afternoon. And we're capping it off the weekend by celebrating the absolutely amazing weather we're having by spending some time pool side.

Fall will be here before I know it and the days and nights at the pool will be over. And while there have been some really good pool moments this summer I'm looking forward to the fall. It is easily my favorite season for lots of reasons and this fall is looking like it has potential to be especially fun, starting off with a trip to Disney World at the end of September.

Next week has a few firsts scheduled on the books! Excited and curious to see how they turn out.

Thursday, August 23, 2012

When I dip you dip we dip

8/23/2012 WOD:
20 Toes to Bar (Knee to Elbow)
1 Dead lift (90 lb)
4 Muscle Ups (16 pulls ups, 16 dips)
2 Dead lifts
3 Muscle Ups (12 pull ups, 12 dips)
3 Dead lifts
2 Muscle Ups (8 pull ups, 8 dips)
4 Dead lifts
1 Muscle Up (4 pull ups, 4 dips)
20 Toes to Bar
Time: 14:51

I cannot wait for the day when I can do a double under and a muscle up. This doing the equivalent stuff is bullshit! Unfortunately for me it's going to be quite a long time before I can even attempt to think about doing a muscle up. However, it doesn't appear they are included in WODs very often since tonight was my first experience with them.

A muscle up. One day...
My trainer friend taught tonight's class and suggested I up the weight for my dead lifts since we were doing so few reps. Why the hell not? Apparently he suggested 95lbs, 20 lbs up from my usual weight, but I heard 90. Funny enough the dead lifts were the easiest part of tonight's WOD. I've decided if I go in on Saturday I want to see what my max dead lift is. Just for the sake of curiosity.

On another note, I"m really excited that my favorite college kid/my CrossFit buddy is coming home tomorrow! We're planning on going to class tomorrow night and possibly Saturday since she hasn't gone at all this week. She's a ton of fun and I've missed having her around.

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

One step forward, three steps back

8/21/2012 WOD:
20 Minute Ladder
Clean Squat (30 lb)
Push Jerk (30 lb)
Overhead Squat (pvc pipe)
Rounds: 9

I was pretty upset with myself tonight during and after the WOD. For some reason I could not squat holding the bar tonight. I have no idea why, but I just couldn't get down.  I've done overhead squats before just fine. Either way I got the WOD finished and kept good form on the other two movements.

This was my first experience with a ladder workout. In case you're not familiar with it, the first round starts with one rep of each lift. Then the second round adds another rep, 2 of each lift. Add another rep each round until time runs out. I finished 9 rounds with 45 seconds to spare and partial rounds didn't count tonight so I took my 9 and ran.

In addition to my first experience with ladders I'm enjoying another first as I write this. I'm writing this post from the comfort of my couch using my new Chrome Box that I've named Rigby. He's swell! What's taking me longest to get used to is my new keyboard, but I know I'll adjust over time.

And for some more fun I've recently discovered quite a few new bands from listening to the satellite radio in my rental vehicle. If you're in need of some new tunes I would highly recommend Of Monsters and Men, The Lumineers, and Grouplove. All good stuff!

Monday, August 20, 2012

Sophisticated palate

I lie. I don't have a sophisticated palate in the least bit! I'm probably one of the most picky eaters you'll meet. I don't eat seafood whatsoever. I don't care for many vegetables. I don't drink milk (well chocolate milk but that's different). I don't like watermelon. You couldn't get me to eat something with mayonnaise on it ever. I'm picky. Thought it's something I'm working on, mostly in the spirit of of the blog and my new lifestyle! 

However, when it comes to anything sweet, gimme! Our local cupcake shop, Sweet, has new flavors every now and then which are usually delicious! This week's flavor was called Trip to Graceland in honor of Elvis.  The cupcake, pictured below, was banana cake with peanut butter fluff filling, peanut butter maple butter cream, drizzled with maple syrup topped with bacon crumbles. I almost fell out of my chair when I heard about it. I've never eaten anything with bacon on it that 'shouldn't' have bacon on it. Must. Have. Cupcake! 

I called the shop Tuesday around lunch time and reserved one to pick up after CrossFit. I swear it weighed a  pound! And it tasted amazing! Three bites in and I had to get a beverage to help cut the sweetness. And after the fourth bite I couldn't eat any more. I hated to stop because it was beyond yummy, but I just couldn't handle it. Emily - 0, Elvis - 1. 

Keeping with the foodie theme, I did something this morning that I have never done before in my life. I woke up for work, got ready and cooked myself breakfast. Not instant oatmeal. Not a frozen waffle. Not two eggs with no accompaniments. A real life grown-up breakfast.

After eating eggs a few days last week for breakfast I quickly realized it wasn't enough to hold me over until lunch. And I LOVE bacon so I decided I'd give it a shot. I have somehow only cooked bacon a handful of times in my life. And all those times ended up in burns so I was a bit apprehensive. I remembered about halfway through the cooking process that I had bought some strawberries yesterday and thought they would add to the well-rounded-ness of my adult breakfast. 

It was a great decision and I cannot wait to cook again tomorrow. I might even add some toast to the mix! Why have I not done this sooner? I feel so good getting up earlier and not rushing around. And I feel even better throughout the morning having had a pretty healthy meal.

And another great thing also happened this weekend, though it's not food related, I still had to share. 

My FABULOUS friend made me a new piece of art to go above my couch. The painting I had there previously was a family piece that belonged to my husband's family from Iceland so I couldn't in good conscious keep it. I guess she had heard me talk about it a little so she made me a replacement piece that I adore!!! 

"Where you invest your love, you invest your life."
She bought an old window and painting one of my favorite Mumford and Sons lyrics on it. I love it! It makes me happy every time I look at it. And when the sun hits it just write the lyrics cast a shadow on the wall which is even cooler.

New food and artwork make me happy, which seems to be a reoccurring theme these days. I like it and I'll take it because it beats the hell out of the alternative.

Making the move

I am not an apple fanboy. I currently own my second Macbook and of course an iPod, but over the last few years I've grown to dislike Apple more and more. Sure they're create amazing products that are beautiful, but once I realized they patent everything under the sun making it nearly impossible for anyone else to create or do anything else in technology without infringing on their 'work' I lost interest. I finally made my last move to rid Apple from my life last Thursday.

I probably very easily qualify as a Google fanboy...fangirl.  I'm on my second Android phone, Samsung Galaxy Nexus, and I just ordered my Google Chrome Box. Over the last year or two I've moved more and more of my 'life' into Google products and haven't regretted it a bit. Everything is so simple and available.

I spent my weekend preparing to make the move. I went through my physical music collection and made sure I had everything already uploaded. Turns out I was missing about 50 or so complete albums. By early Saturday morning I had finally finished the uploading to my Mac and it was time to update Google Play. 789 songs and about 7 hours later Google Play was synched. Finally I spent Sunday making sure my external hard drive was backed up, just incase one of those clouds falls from the sky and I never see my music or pictures again and reformatting my Mac.

While I'm really looking forward to making the switch, part of me is sad to see Blanche (my mac) go. She was really good to me and never caused one problem. We traveled together and had lots of good times, but I know she'll be just as happy in her new home.

Part of me is also anxious about this move because I've never actually seen or used the Chrome OS. I've done my reading and I think it's just what I need since I mostly only use my computer for internet based activities. I'm not making movies, playing Half-Life or working with Photoshop. This is also the closest I've ever come to owning a 'desk top' computer. I have no intention of actually using my little box at a desk, I do intend to keep him connected to my TV as a monitor. And without a monitor he won't be an easy travel companion like Blanche was. Eventually I plan on getting an Android or Chrome based tablet, but for now my Nexus works just fine.

My new little friend is currently out for delivery and I hope he makes his arrival by lunch. Now to decide on a name, any suggestions?

Friday, August 17, 2012

It's all about technique.

8/15/2012 WOD:
Tabatas (20 secs of work, 10 sec rest)
8 rounds, 16 minutes total
Air Squats
Total reps: 247

This is only the second time I've done tabatas but I really enjoy them. No matter how tired or sore you are, you can muster up 20 seconds of work, even if it's slow. I was disappointed when I totaled my reps because I had the lowest on the board, but our fantastic instructor reminded me that I'm also the newest on the board and that I'm doing great for being so new to it.

CrossFit is so much about the people! I love how encouraging everyone is in the class but I also love how happy and proud the instructors get when someone is determined or accomplishes a goal. I know I can't speak for all gyms, but mine is absolutely amazing!

8/16/2012 WOD:
4 RFT: 30 reps per round
Max Handstand Push-up (Stinkbug push-up)
Deadlift (75 lb)
Time: 12:36

This workout looks so simple, but damn was it hard! Still sore from the burpees, pull-ups, and push-ups on Tuesday and Wednesday I knew regular HSPUs were out for me. Plus I'm not strong enough yet. I decided to wait to try the stinkbug once the workout started. I couldn't even do one!

Stinkbugs start in the position pictured above with your feet and hands a yard apart. Then you slowly lower yourself forward so your head touches the ground in front of your hands, then you push yourself back up to the previous position. I was able to get about an inch from the ground then I would fall on my head. Pushing myself back up wasn't an option.

So I tried my one and got up and did my 29 dead lifts. My friend, the trainer, was teaching the class last night so he said to try to do five stinkbugs for the remaining 3 rounds and focus more on lowering myself down slowly and not to worry about pushing myself back up. Result: my head is a little sore today.

It's terribly frustrating trying to do something that doesn't look that hard and not being able to make your body do it now matter how hard you try. Fortunately I can tell I'm getting stronger and I know I'll get there eventually. It's all about the journey, right?

Thankfully my lower body is much stronger than my upper body so I was able to manage the another 75 dead lifts to complete the WOD.

A few new fun things happened this week, but my one of my favorites is that I'm pretty excited about it the new technique I'm using to scramble my eggs. They're so delicious!!! My friend told me about it and I had to try it. I recommend everyone try it, but don't blame me when all other eggs are ruined for you.

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

205 burpees later...

8/14/2012 WOD:
Partnered workout
1 rope climb or 25 pull-ups (rope climb)
200 Burpees
1 rope climb or 35 pull-ups (rope climb)
200 Burpees
1 rope climb or 45 pull-ups (rope climb)
Time: 33:04

Today was the first time I wanted to walk out after seeing the WOD on the board. I am still really unsure how we managed 400 burpees, but we did it. My usual workout buddy was my partner tonight. Neither of us had ever climbed a rope before so we both practiced. I couldn't manage to pull myself up an inch so I prepared my pull-up cable. Luckily I didn't have to use it because my beast of a friend was able to muster up the strength to get up the rope.

If have to do another burpee this week I might scream. I still am in shock that I was able to complete it. We decided that we would to 10 at a time and then rotate. The plan worked pretty well. Knowing she was going to have to make the final climb, I did the final 5 burpees for her. It was the least I could do!

To say my arms and shoulders are fatigued is an understatement. Washing my hair was torture! Actually doing anything that requires me to lift my arms at all is torture.

I stayed after class today because my newly non-smoking friend came in for her first fundamentals class. I am thrilled she's joining us. I did part of the warm-up with her and watched while she went over some of the movements then joined her for her WOD, well for part of it.

Fundamental WOD:
AMRAP 7 minutes:
10 air squats
5 pull-ups
20 yard shuttle
Rounds: 5 + 10 squats

After completing 205 burpees I sat out on the pull-ups, but did the air squats and shuttle with her. Having just finished my workout I thought it might be a struggle to do any of it, but it was actually pretty easy. And doing it made me realize the progress I've made. I can't wait for her to be a month in and realize how quickly things start changing for her!

Thankfully I can still see all this hard work paying off. As of this morning I have lost just a hair more than 20 lbs from about a year ago. Sure 20 lbs over a year isn't that much, but the last 10 lb have been just since I started doing CrossFit. And I can actually see a difference which is what really blows my mind.

The last year has been a roller coaster to say the least, but I am so happy with who I am and where I am today. I knew eventually I would find happiness again, but I didn't expect it to be so soon and so great. I really love my life these days!

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Quiet weekend in.

My weekend has been full of firsts! First Friday night WOD, first girls night out with the PDCF ladies, first adult book.

8/10/2012 WOD:
400 m run
24 Box Jumps
15 Dead Lifts (75 lb)
Cash out: 50 GHD Sit-ups (Wall touch sit-ups)
Time: 21:34

I was really surprised how many people were at Friday night's class, but the regular crowd was there committed just like every other day of the week. The WOD wasn't too bad actually, except when I slipped jumping on the tire and bashed my shin into it. My legs were still a little sore from Tuesdays lunges, but after the first round they loosened up a bit. The sit-ups were what really did me in. I didn't realize until I started that I was sore from the knee-to-elbows the night before. But I survived and it's funny to look at it and think this was an easier workout! Oh how quickly things change!

With a lot of my friends out of town for the weekend, I was looking forward to a quiet weekend to myself. Having finished the book I started earlier in the week, I was in search of a new read. I decided I would cave and see what all the fuss was about Fifty Shades of Grey. I had heard it was fabulous and that it was disgusting. So after Friday's class, I picked up a copy and started reading. At midnight I finally tore myself away from it and forced myself to go to sleep. And as of 10:15 this morning I had finished it.

I may be wrong, but I think women are wrapped up with this book for a whole different reason than most think. Sure, there's the sex. And lots of it! But I couldn't put it down because of the relationship between Miss Steele and Mr. Grey. The way they talk to each other, play hot and cold, just sucked me in. And the hopeless romantic in me just hopes he can give her what she really wants.  Lucky for me I bought the second and third in the series yesterday so I can dive back into it! I don't think romance novels will become a hobby for me at all, but I'm sold on Christian Grey.

I had to pry myself away from Mr. Grey last night as I had been invited to a CrossFit girls night out at Mellow Mushroom. I was really excited to be included since I'm still fairly new to the gym, but I was a little anxious since I didn't really know all the ladies going and the ones I did know I had only spoken to a few times. I had a great time! Laughed, ate some tasty food and got to know everyone a little better.  

It also confirmed that joining PDCF is one of the best decisions I've made in quite sometime. The workouts are great, the people are amazing and I just love how I feel when I'm there and after I leave. I'm so happy that it's becoming part of my life now. It was definitely something that my life was missing.

I am loving my life right now and am very happy.

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Can you count to 3000? I can.

8/9/2012 WOD:
Partner workout for time
-While one person is jumping rope, the other is doing the sets of 5. Rotate as needed.
750 Double Unders (3000 singles)
5 Overhead squats (30 lb)
5 Thrusters (30 lb)
5 knee to elbow
Time: 33:08

Today was agonizing! I thought I was okay not being able to do double unders, but I decided tonight it needs to happen, stat.

There was one positive to tonight.  My usual WOD buddy was running late so I partnered up with this guy who is a regular 5:30 goer like us. We were about 800 singles in when she got there and because she made an odd number for the class, she was just told to shadow me. I realized at about 1900 I was spent and she was still going strong so I told her to keep count while we jumped.  Sure we were both jumping rope, but she was going faster than I was. I've never been so glad she showed up late than I was tonight.

I believe we had the slowest time of the day, but I can deal with that. I'm just glad my trainer friend helped me spot the 2.5 lb plates so I was able to get back up to 30 lbs.

My legs and butt are still sore from all the lunges on Tuesday, I whipped myself with the jump rope tonight, my wrists are a little achy from the overhead squats and my hands are starting to look a little rough, but the masochist in me is debating going tomorrow night.

I may need serious help.

On a positive note, I was invited to a CrossFit girls night out on Saturday night. I wasn't sure about going since I haven't met most of the ladies because they go to other class times, but I figured why not. I'll go, have some dinner, and meet some new people. Plus, it fits the trend.

Wednesday, August 8, 2012


8/7/2012 WOD:
100 yard overheard walking lunges (10 lb)
4 RFT:
15 Sumo Deadlift High Pull (25 lb)
15 Push Press (25 lb)
30 Double Unders (120 singles)
Time: 24:43

I'm really unhappy that I went back down to 25 lbs for this workout, but I couldn't find the 2.5 lb plates and I knew going up to 35 lbs wasn't happening yet. Other than that I'm really pleased with myself. I kept up with  most of the group tonight and four of us finished within 30 seconds of each other. But man oh man do my thighs and butt hate me today! 100 yards of lunges is no joke.

I do have one regret since starting CrossFit and that's that I didn't take a picture of what I looked like before. Mostly because it's only 4+ weeks in and I can already see noticeable differences in myself. The scale isn't moving much these days but that's because I'm gaining more muscle, but my clothes sure do fit different. And while my stomach isn't flat just yet, it hasn't been this close to flat since I was a freshman in high school. I just can't believe it! 

And I haven't really changed my diet much. I'm trying to eat healthier, but I don't really want to cut many calories because I don't want really want to lose much more weight. Please don't hate me for making that statement. I know that very lucky that I am naturally pretty petite. I really want to focus on toning and get stronger, especially in my upper body. 

Looking forward to how I look and feel in another 4 weeks. 

Tuesday, August 7, 2012


When I helped my forked friend clean up his yard last night he was telling me about something he was planning on trying in the fall after the time changed. He wanted to 'live by candlelight' for a couple of days and see if anything happened to his sleep schedule. We went back and forth on all the possibilities and the difficulties he may run into. And that it meant no television or laptop and minimal phone use, which only left reading for entertainment.

After I got home he sent me a text and said he was going to give it a shot that night. With my new sense of trying new things I decided I was in too. I had already planned on watching When Harry Met Sally that night, but decided at sundown I would stop it and finish it later. 

At about 8:20-ish or so I gathered a few candles, all scented unfortunately, picked out a book, and snuggled up on the couch with my pups for an amazingly relaxing evening. 

I decided to re-read one of my favorite books, The Girls Guide to Hunting and Fishing, which I have probably read at least 10 times. 

I was slightly afraid that the candles would make it seem romantic which would in turn make me sad I was alone these days or that every little noise in the rest of my very dark house would terrify me. And I also thought I get bored with it and start to fall asleep at 9, but neither were the case.

At 11:15, halfway through my book and getting a little sleepy, I figured it was probably time to call it a night. My first instinct walking through the house was to turn on a light, but I resisted. Brushing your teeth by candle light is a very neat experience. 

Well I can easily say even just one night altered my sleep cycle because I was wide awake at 5:45 this morning. I managed to stay in bed until a few minutes after 6, but that's still early for me even on a work day. Unable to forget how much I enjoyed the lack of overhead lighting the night before, I decided resist turning lights on this morning for as long as possible. The back of my house where my bedroom and bathroom are don't get much early morning sunlight so it was back to the candles.

If you've never taken a shower by candle light, please do it. I don't mean a bath with bubbles and good book. Just a regular getting-ready-to-go-to-work-only-have-a-few-minutes-to-spare shower. I've never felt so unstressed and un-rushed in the morning in my life.

I am so ready to do it again! I'm actually a little sad that I have plans after CrossFit tonight because I can't wait to come back home, sit in my quiet house only lit by candles, read and forget everything else. With Mondays being my only guaranteed night to myself lately, this may become a regular routine.

Fork you!

You know you had a good weekend when it carries over to the beginning of the week and you don't dread Monday quite as much as usual.

Though I had good reason to be looking forward to Monday morning. I was anxiously anticipating a response to a little stealthy operation that took place late Sunday night. 

Here's the backstory...Saturday night after a little friendly game of Corn Hole at my place we were talking about doing something a little out of the ordinary. An adventure if you will. My friend, who does CrossFit with me, was telling us about how she had been asked to prom by someone forking her yard. We immediately starting thinking of whose yard we could fork, but eventually the subject got changed, we played some cards and the spirit of adventure had passed. 

Until Sunday! Sunday afternoon at my parents pool we started scheming over who we could fork. We decided my CrossFit instructor pal would be perfect because he was there Saturday night to hear the previous conversation so he would know it was us. We went back and forth on when would be the best time to do it and eventually decided it had to be that night. 

He was just telling us about his pretty routine sleep schedule so we knew we would be in the clear by 11, but we did a drive by at 10:30 just to be safe. Lights out! Dressed in all black, we parked down the street and made our way to his house with 192 little plastic forks. And about 5 minutes later he had been forked.  When I woke up Monday morning I had a text from him saying he thought someone was asking him to prom. Mission accomplished! 

Not our work, but a good forking nonetheless.
This was another first for me. Some how I've avoided adventures, like forking, all my life. Not sure why or how, it wasn't for lack of interest. Sneaking around, planning, and waiting for the reaction was super fun. I volunteered to help clean up the forks from his yard, mostly because I felt bad making him do it, but partly so I could get my forks back and do it again to someone else! 

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Never in my life.

I like to say I'm two-thirds ginger. Generally pale and freckled. My mother will tell you I was tan as a child but that's since faded. I don't like to do things half-way so I finish off the last third with a little hair colour magic. And you wouldn't believe how many people think I'm naturally red headed. It makes me chuckle.

It is safe to say I was never fond of my gingerness growing up, but as I've gotten older I've learned to appreciate it. I don't look like you're average girl walking down the street and I've grown to like that.

However, being ginger presents it's challenges. I'll never have an even looking complexion because my face is riddled with freckles. Faux red hair fades with the quickness. And I can't spend more than 30 minutes in the sun without a little burn.

In all my 28 years that I can remember I've never once survived a South Carolina summer without at least one excruciatingly painful sunburn. The kind that makes sleep difficult and results in peeling skin. The kind that no matter how much aloe or lotion you apply, the sting just won't budge. The kind that you dread putting clothes on because anything touching your skin makes you whimper.

Well I'm not sure what has changed this year, but it's five days into August and I'm sunburn free! I've always been responsible with sunscreen and haven't been applying anymore this year than usual. And I've been in the sun pretty regularly. I actually had a decent little tan as early as May that I've been able to maintain.

I don't know if it's something in the water or I've just been lucky, but hey I'll take it. Here's hoping I can keep up the trend through these couple of weeks!

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Four Day Work Week

8/4/2012 WOD:
AMRAP, 10 minutes
10 Push Press (30 lb)
10 Kettlebell Swing (18 lb)
10 Box Jumps
Rounds: 5 complete + 12 partial reps

I pushed through my second week of four workouts. Even at my highest level of dedication to my previous gyms or workout regimes, I never enjoyed it, stuck with it, and looked forward to it like I do now. I also was never able to notice changes in myself physically just 5 weeks in. I'm saying it again, CrossFit is amazing!

I woke up to one of the best texts I've ever gotten this morning. My friend who invited me to join her for the free CrossFit class last month that got me hooked was unable to join after the introduction because the membership fees were a little too pricey for her. She even asked myself and my other friend, who joined with me, to stop talking about it because she was sad she couldn't afford it. So this morning I woke up to a text from her that said, "I know you're sleeping but I just decided I'm going to join your gym. If I stop smoking I'll be able to afford the $30 extra a month to join." I'm excited she's joining but I am beyond thrilled she's going to quit smoking to do it! I hate seeing people I care about smoke so this makes me very happy.

Now to enjoy the rest of my weekend with a little relaxation and some quality time with friends and family. I'm one lucky girl.

Thursday, August 2, 2012


For some reason that I'm still trying to figure out, I did CrossFit three days in a row this week. And I have blisters, bruises and achy body parts to prove it. I also have a new sense of accomplishment!

7/31/2012 WOD:
Max weight pull-up: 7 band-assisted pull-ups
Metcon: 3RFT
35 goblet squats (18 lb)
20 clapping push-ups (off floor and tire)
Time: 10:45

8/1/2012 WOD:
For time, tag-team partnered:
500 meter row cash-in per team-mate
'Double Fran'
Thrusters (25 lb)
Pull-Ups (band assisted)
5 burpee penalty for not 'tagging'
Time: 18:46

8/2/2012 WOD:
AMRAP, 25 minutes
5 Deadlifts (75 lb)
10 lateral jump burpees (jump over bar)
Rounds: 12.5

My standard Monday, Tuesday, Thursday plan for CrossFit this week was squashed when I left work Monday with a horribly achy knee. After going for a walk and finally getting a new desk chair at work I was cured.

I've somehow avoided pull-ups until this week, which I was thrilled about. My biggest goal starting CrossFit is to be able to do one unassisted pull-up. I cannot recall a time in my life that I have ever been able to do one. I'll probably cry when that day comes! This week has been great training for it.

I wasn't really planning on going Wednesday, but my trainer friend said if I go three days in a row I can relax over the weekend. That was enough motivation for me. Seeing pull-ups on the board and knowing I was going to have a partner depending on me made me a little anxious. Luckily I was paired with a great guy who pulled his own weight and was super supportive on top of it.

Between Tuesday and Wednesday I squeezed out 41 pull-ups. That just boggles my mind. However, all I have to do is look at my hands and I'm quickly brought back to reality.

Three visits to the gym + pull-ups = my first set of blisters. I was even wearing gloves on the day said blisters appeared. Unfortunately, blisters and calluses come with the territory. If only there were a way to earn the calluses and still have soft delicate lady hands. After spending a little time on Google I discovered the proper way to hold bars without pinching your hands. I also learned how to maintain my calluses and still have the fairy tale girl hands. Thanks internets!

I didn't have to worry about the blister for very long because just barely into my first round of Deadlifts on Thursday it popped. Sorry for that graphic visual.  I'm actually really glad it did because it made the rest of the workout much tolerable.

Thursday's workout was really intense. I sweated my ass off! I also really surprised myself. My goal was 9 1/2 rounds since that was the lowest for the day on the board. I'm not sure how but I managed to get in 3 extras. I was also really surprised because I added 10 pounds to my deadlift from last week and really didn't struggle with it like I thought I would. The other surprising thing is that somehow my form for my burpees was the best it's ever been, even during my last round. And on top of that I wasn't struggling to get up like I should have been considering I did 120 of them total.

All in all, I'm really glad I went three days in a row this week. I pushed through it and left mostly unbruised. The masochist and addict in me is already planning to go Saturday morning, but shhh, don't tell the part of me that wants to sleep in!