Wednesday, August 8, 2012


8/7/2012 WOD:
100 yard overheard walking lunges (10 lb)
4 RFT:
15 Sumo Deadlift High Pull (25 lb)
15 Push Press (25 lb)
30 Double Unders (120 singles)
Time: 24:43

I'm really unhappy that I went back down to 25 lbs for this workout, but I couldn't find the 2.5 lb plates and I knew going up to 35 lbs wasn't happening yet. Other than that I'm really pleased with myself. I kept up with  most of the group tonight and four of us finished within 30 seconds of each other. But man oh man do my thighs and butt hate me today! 100 yards of lunges is no joke.

I do have one regret since starting CrossFit and that's that I didn't take a picture of what I looked like before. Mostly because it's only 4+ weeks in and I can already see noticeable differences in myself. The scale isn't moving much these days but that's because I'm gaining more muscle, but my clothes sure do fit different. And while my stomach isn't flat just yet, it hasn't been this close to flat since I was a freshman in high school. I just can't believe it! 

And I haven't really changed my diet much. I'm trying to eat healthier, but I don't really want to cut many calories because I don't want really want to lose much more weight. Please don't hate me for making that statement. I know that very lucky that I am naturally pretty petite. I really want to focus on toning and get stronger, especially in my upper body. 

Looking forward to how I look and feel in another 4 weeks. 

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