Thursday, August 2, 2012


For some reason that I'm still trying to figure out, I did CrossFit three days in a row this week. And I have blisters, bruises and achy body parts to prove it. I also have a new sense of accomplishment!

7/31/2012 WOD:
Max weight pull-up: 7 band-assisted pull-ups
Metcon: 3RFT
35 goblet squats (18 lb)
20 clapping push-ups (off floor and tire)
Time: 10:45

8/1/2012 WOD:
For time, tag-team partnered:
500 meter row cash-in per team-mate
'Double Fran'
Thrusters (25 lb)
Pull-Ups (band assisted)
5 burpee penalty for not 'tagging'
Time: 18:46

8/2/2012 WOD:
AMRAP, 25 minutes
5 Deadlifts (75 lb)
10 lateral jump burpees (jump over bar)
Rounds: 12.5

My standard Monday, Tuesday, Thursday plan for CrossFit this week was squashed when I left work Monday with a horribly achy knee. After going for a walk and finally getting a new desk chair at work I was cured.

I've somehow avoided pull-ups until this week, which I was thrilled about. My biggest goal starting CrossFit is to be able to do one unassisted pull-up. I cannot recall a time in my life that I have ever been able to do one. I'll probably cry when that day comes! This week has been great training for it.

I wasn't really planning on going Wednesday, but my trainer friend said if I go three days in a row I can relax over the weekend. That was enough motivation for me. Seeing pull-ups on the board and knowing I was going to have a partner depending on me made me a little anxious. Luckily I was paired with a great guy who pulled his own weight and was super supportive on top of it.

Between Tuesday and Wednesday I squeezed out 41 pull-ups. That just boggles my mind. However, all I have to do is look at my hands and I'm quickly brought back to reality.

Three visits to the gym + pull-ups = my first set of blisters. I was even wearing gloves on the day said blisters appeared. Unfortunately, blisters and calluses come with the territory. If only there were a way to earn the calluses and still have soft delicate lady hands. After spending a little time on Google I discovered the proper way to hold bars without pinching your hands. I also learned how to maintain my calluses and still have the fairy tale girl hands. Thanks internets!

I didn't have to worry about the blister for very long because just barely into my first round of Deadlifts on Thursday it popped. Sorry for that graphic visual.  I'm actually really glad it did because it made the rest of the workout much tolerable.

Thursday's workout was really intense. I sweated my ass off! I also really surprised myself. My goal was 9 1/2 rounds since that was the lowest for the day on the board. I'm not sure how but I managed to get in 3 extras. I was also really surprised because I added 10 pounds to my deadlift from last week and really didn't struggle with it like I thought I would. The other surprising thing is that somehow my form for my burpees was the best it's ever been, even during my last round. And on top of that I wasn't struggling to get up like I should have been considering I did 120 of them total.

All in all, I'm really glad I went three days in a row this week. I pushed through it and left mostly unbruised. The masochist and addict in me is already planning to go Saturday morning, but shhh, don't tell the part of me that wants to sleep in!

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