Sunday, August 12, 2012

Quiet weekend in.

My weekend has been full of firsts! First Friday night WOD, first girls night out with the PDCF ladies, first adult book.

8/10/2012 WOD:
400 m run
24 Box Jumps
15 Dead Lifts (75 lb)
Cash out: 50 GHD Sit-ups (Wall touch sit-ups)
Time: 21:34

I was really surprised how many people were at Friday night's class, but the regular crowd was there committed just like every other day of the week. The WOD wasn't too bad actually, except when I slipped jumping on the tire and bashed my shin into it. My legs were still a little sore from Tuesdays lunges, but after the first round they loosened up a bit. The sit-ups were what really did me in. I didn't realize until I started that I was sore from the knee-to-elbows the night before. But I survived and it's funny to look at it and think this was an easier workout! Oh how quickly things change!

With a lot of my friends out of town for the weekend, I was looking forward to a quiet weekend to myself. Having finished the book I started earlier in the week, I was in search of a new read. I decided I would cave and see what all the fuss was about Fifty Shades of Grey. I had heard it was fabulous and that it was disgusting. So after Friday's class, I picked up a copy and started reading. At midnight I finally tore myself away from it and forced myself to go to sleep. And as of 10:15 this morning I had finished it.

I may be wrong, but I think women are wrapped up with this book for a whole different reason than most think. Sure, there's the sex. And lots of it! But I couldn't put it down because of the relationship between Miss Steele and Mr. Grey. The way they talk to each other, play hot and cold, just sucked me in. And the hopeless romantic in me just hopes he can give her what she really wants.  Lucky for me I bought the second and third in the series yesterday so I can dive back into it! I don't think romance novels will become a hobby for me at all, but I'm sold on Christian Grey.

I had to pry myself away from Mr. Grey last night as I had been invited to a CrossFit girls night out at Mellow Mushroom. I was really excited to be included since I'm still fairly new to the gym, but I was a little anxious since I didn't really know all the ladies going and the ones I did know I had only spoken to a few times. I had a great time! Laughed, ate some tasty food and got to know everyone a little better.  

It also confirmed that joining PDCF is one of the best decisions I've made in quite sometime. The workouts are great, the people are amazing and I just love how I feel when I'm there and after I leave. I'm so happy that it's becoming part of my life now. It was definitely something that my life was missing.

I am loving my life right now and am very happy.

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