Tuesday, August 14, 2012

205 burpees later...

8/14/2012 WOD:
Partnered workout
1 rope climb or 25 pull-ups (rope climb)
200 Burpees
1 rope climb or 35 pull-ups (rope climb)
200 Burpees
1 rope climb or 45 pull-ups (rope climb)
Time: 33:04

Today was the first time I wanted to walk out after seeing the WOD on the board. I am still really unsure how we managed 400 burpees, but we did it. My usual workout buddy was my partner tonight. Neither of us had ever climbed a rope before so we both practiced. I couldn't manage to pull myself up an inch so I prepared my pull-up cable. Luckily I didn't have to use it because my beast of a friend was able to muster up the strength to get up the rope.

If have to do another burpee this week I might scream. I still am in shock that I was able to complete it. We decided that we would to 10 at a time and then rotate. The plan worked pretty well. Knowing she was going to have to make the final climb, I did the final 5 burpees for her. It was the least I could do!

To say my arms and shoulders are fatigued is an understatement. Washing my hair was torture! Actually doing anything that requires me to lift my arms at all is torture.

I stayed after class today because my newly non-smoking friend came in for her first fundamentals class. I am thrilled she's joining us. I did part of the warm-up with her and watched while she went over some of the movements then joined her for her WOD, well for part of it.

Fundamental WOD:
AMRAP 7 minutes:
10 air squats
5 pull-ups
20 yard shuttle
Rounds: 5 + 10 squats

After completing 205 burpees I sat out on the pull-ups, but did the air squats and shuttle with her. Having just finished my workout I thought it might be a struggle to do any of it, but it was actually pretty easy. And doing it made me realize the progress I've made. I can't wait for her to be a month in and realize how quickly things start changing for her!

Thankfully I can still see all this hard work paying off. As of this morning I have lost just a hair more than 20 lbs from about a year ago. Sure 20 lbs over a year isn't that much, but the last 10 lb have been just since I started doing CrossFit. And I can actually see a difference which is what really blows my mind.

The last year has been a roller coaster to say the least, but I am so happy with who I am and where I am today. I knew eventually I would find happiness again, but I didn't expect it to be so soon and so great. I really love my life these days!

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