Sunday, August 26, 2012

Hello Max

8/25/2012 WOD:
Tabata, 16 minutes
Kettle bell swing
1 arm Kettle bell push press
1 arm Kettle bell push press
Goblet squat
Reps: 238

I've said it before, I really like tabatas. I also really enjoy the kettle bell. However, kettle bell tabatas aren't necessarily my favorite. Especially kettle bell push presses. Whoa man those are tough! Fun fact, every single time I was able to do more reps with my left arm which is my non-dominant hand. Strange!

After this mornings class I had decided I wanted to see what my max dead lift was. My trainer friend was working so he helped me with it. After doing a 'warm up' of 3 reps at 65 lbs he loaded up the bar with 95 lbs, the most I have attempted to lift to date. After a little assistance with my form, I was able to pick it up without much hesitation. At that point I decided 120 was my goal because that would be just slightly more than I weigh which boggles my mind. So on we went. 110 lbs, lifted. 125 lbs, lifted. Finally, 135 lbs, done.

Just a few weeks ago my college kid friend was doing dead lifts at 135 lbs and I couldn't get it to budge. I am beyond thrilled with myself that I was able to pick up the bar. As soon as I dropped it both my trainer friend and the college kid told me I could do more because it looked like it wasn't much of a struggle and because I didn't grunt. It was not easy by any means and for a split second I didn't think I was getting it off the ground. Next time I go in on a Saturday I want to see if I've improved on my max clean. Or maybe see what my front or back squat is since I'm totally clueless on both of those. Either way I'm really happy with myself and knowing that I'm improving makes it all worth sweat and bruises.

The rest of my weekend has been fabulous so far! My college kid came home on Friday after her first week being back at school. I REALLY missed having her around this week, it just wasn't the same. Thankfully day long text messaging and a few phone calls kept me sane until she returned. We got some quality time in this weekend at PDCF, a girls dinner at Moes, and even managed to squeeze in a chick-flick yesterday afternoon. And we're capping it off the weekend by celebrating the absolutely amazing weather we're having by spending some time pool side.

Fall will be here before I know it and the days and nights at the pool will be over. And while there have been some really good pool moments this summer I'm looking forward to the fall. It is easily my favorite season for lots of reasons and this fall is looking like it has potential to be especially fun, starting off with a trip to Disney World at the end of September.

Next week has a few firsts scheduled on the books! Excited and curious to see how they turn out.

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