Friday, August 17, 2012

It's all about technique.

8/15/2012 WOD:
Tabatas (20 secs of work, 10 sec rest)
8 rounds, 16 minutes total
Air Squats
Total reps: 247

This is only the second time I've done tabatas but I really enjoy them. No matter how tired or sore you are, you can muster up 20 seconds of work, even if it's slow. I was disappointed when I totaled my reps because I had the lowest on the board, but our fantastic instructor reminded me that I'm also the newest on the board and that I'm doing great for being so new to it.

CrossFit is so much about the people! I love how encouraging everyone is in the class but I also love how happy and proud the instructors get when someone is determined or accomplishes a goal. I know I can't speak for all gyms, but mine is absolutely amazing!

8/16/2012 WOD:
4 RFT: 30 reps per round
Max Handstand Push-up (Stinkbug push-up)
Deadlift (75 lb)
Time: 12:36

This workout looks so simple, but damn was it hard! Still sore from the burpees, pull-ups, and push-ups on Tuesday and Wednesday I knew regular HSPUs were out for me. Plus I'm not strong enough yet. I decided to wait to try the stinkbug once the workout started. I couldn't even do one!

Stinkbugs start in the position pictured above with your feet and hands a yard apart. Then you slowly lower yourself forward so your head touches the ground in front of your hands, then you push yourself back up to the previous position. I was able to get about an inch from the ground then I would fall on my head. Pushing myself back up wasn't an option.

So I tried my one and got up and did my 29 dead lifts. My friend, the trainer, was teaching the class last night so he said to try to do five stinkbugs for the remaining 3 rounds and focus more on lowering myself down slowly and not to worry about pushing myself back up. Result: my head is a little sore today.

It's terribly frustrating trying to do something that doesn't look that hard and not being able to make your body do it now matter how hard you try. Fortunately I can tell I'm getting stronger and I know I'll get there eventually. It's all about the journey, right?

Thankfully my lower body is much stronger than my upper body so I was able to manage the another 75 dead lifts to complete the WOD.

A few new fun things happened this week, but my one of my favorites is that I'm pretty excited about it the new technique I'm using to scramble my eggs. They're so delicious!!! My friend told me about it and I had to try it. I recommend everyone try it, but don't blame me when all other eggs are ruined for you.

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