Friday, November 30, 2012

Baby Its Cold Outside

Thirty Days of Thankfulness
Day 28: I am thankful for the cold weather.

Now that Christmas time is almost here, I expect there to be cold weather. Living in the south, there is no telling what the weather will be from day to day, even in December. I'm grateful it's been cooler this week and I've been able to bundle up. Makes it feel more like Christmas!

Day 29: I am thankful for a good night's sleep.

I had a pretty late stressful night on Tuesday so I was very thankful last night to be able to crash early and sleep well through the night. I was mentally and physically drained all day yesterday, but today I feel back to my normal self. Amazing what sleep can do for you!

11/29/2012 WOD:
10 min AMRAP
10 Kettlebell Swings (26 lb)
10 Pull-ups (Jumping)
10 Push-ups (knee)
Rounds: 6

3 minute rest

Double Unders (4x singles)
Time: 13:22

Well tonight totally made up for taking Tuesday and Wednesday off. This was the first time I've done a WOD that was pretty much two workouts.

I was asked after what the worst part was I couldn't really say. None of it was was excruciating, but nothing was particularly easy either. Its funny how easy 60 KB swings, push-ups, and pull-ups are when you break them down. Even funnier how easy 150 sit-ups and 600 single unders are when broken down. A strange thing is that with both workouts, I picked up the pace as time went on instead of slowing down.

The only thing in these workouts I didn't scale was the sit-ups and kettlebell swings. Super lame! Time to start working on standard push-ups and double unders. Thankfully Ryan Gosling is always there for me when I can't Rx.

With my energy levels spiked I spent the rest of my evening finishing up cleaning my house out. I have one more full load of things to donate this weekend. Its a good feeling knowing everything I have now is actually used regularly and not just collecting dust. Yay for productivity!

Now to look forward to a Flannel Friday, hopefully getting my car back, and a nice relaxing weekend! 

Tuesday, November 27, 2012


Thirty Days of Thankfulness
Day 26: I am thankful for a clean house.

I spent a good chunk of my Sunday morning going through stuff. Stuff I've accumulated over the years that wasn't split up in the separation. Lots of stuff I haven't touched in years. I originally thought to have a yard sale and make a few bucks, but in the end I decided to donate it all to the Salvation Army. There are plenty of people in my community that can benefit from it and it also helps the S.A. It's a good feeling to help others and to have less 'stuff'

Day 27: I am thankful for progress.

I am grateful for the progress I've made in so many facets of my life. Living alone. Learning to take care of two large dogs on my own. Knowing who I am and what I want out of life. Getting stronger. Being confident  and comfortable in my own skin. I have made a lot of progress in the last year and I'm thankful I'm moving forward and not standing still or worse, going backwards.

11/26/2012 LP:
Back Squat: 100 lb
Press: 52.5 lb
Sprints: 7 x 40 yd

I did it! I hit triple digits!!!! And the best part, it was heavy but not insanely heavy! I cannot believe I squatted 85% of my body weight last night. Mind blown! Four weeks until I hit my goal weight of 120. What a fun Christmas present that will be! I am still slightly confused on how I haven't been sore yet. I guess that's because of the gradual progression of things. Yay for progress! I'm starting to feel a noticeable difference i my legs. They're much leaner but a lot tighter. Love it!

The press is still hard! I barely got out my 15 reps, but I did finish it. Even though I haven't hit my max yet, I'm planning on dropping back down to 45 lbs next week. I'll stick with that weight for a good three weeks then start adding back on. I'm eager to get more comfortable with the 45 lb weight so I will be more willing to lift in during WODs with high reps.

I upped the number of runs again tonight for my sprint. And this was the best night yet! Usually my quads feel tight and get tighter as the sprints go on, but tonight I was all loosey goosey. I felt faster too! I'm looking forward to playing Ultimate this weekend with the gym folks to see if I can notice any difference. Not counting on it, but who knows!?!

In addition to doing all of the above things for the first time, I did something else this morning too! My boss went dove hunting this weekend and fried some dove breast here at the office. They give me a really hard time about being picky so I had to give it a shot. Verdict: Not for me! They said, don't you eat livers and gizzards? Hell no! Had they told me it was going to taste like that from the start I could have saved that piece that ended up in the trash. Oh well, at least I tried it, right?

With my 29th birthday a little over a month away, I'm working on a bucket list of things I want to do before I hit 30 and turn into an old lady! Of course they're all things I've never experienced, some are just for fun and others are things I've been working toward accomplishing. I'm still pondering what I want to get done without going overboard. I've compiled a list to the left that I'll be maintaining throughout the next 13-ish months. And of course I'll be writing about each one I cross off. Here's to a year of accomplishment and adventure!

Monday, November 26, 2012

Counting down

Thirty Days of Thankfulness:
Day 23: I'm thankful for leftovers.

For the first time in my adult like I have Thanksgiving leftovers. Turkey, dressing, macaroni and cheese, sweet potatoes casserole, and apple pie. Its all sooooo good. Back to primal on Monday!

Day 24: I'm thankful for my Christmas decorating traditions.

The Saturday after Thanksgiving is one of my favorite days of the whole year! I pick out my Christmas tree and decorate it and the house while watching Love Actually. I'm grateful with things being different this year that I was able to keep with tradition.

Day 25: I'm thankful for long weekends.

I had an amazing Thanksgiving break! I'm very grateful for the time I got the spend with my family as well as the time spent having fun with friends. It was a much needed break from the office and the regular routine

11/24/2012 WOD:
10 min AMRAP
5 Thrusters (45 lb)
10 Kettlebell swings (26 lb)
30 yd Bear Crawl
Rounds: 4 + 5 thrusters

Hard and fast. That pretty much sum's up Saturday's post-thanksgiving workout. We had a pretty small group, which I expected for the holiday weekend, but I was glad I went in. It was nice to move some weight around after eating like a cow on Thursday and Friday. 

I spent the majority of my weekend hanging out with friends, cleaning out my house, spending quality time with my pups, and of course breaking out the Christmas decor! The Saturday after Thanksgiving is one of my most favorite days of the entire year! I have a lovely tradition that I just love. I break out the Christmas decorations, go pick out my tree from my favorite local produce stand, then spend the afternoon decorating the tree and the house while I watch Love Actually. The tradition is about five years old and I don't intend to break it anytime soon. 

The other reason that day is one of my favorites is because it's the in-state college football rivalry day too! And this year was another great one for the South Carolina Gamecocks. We beat Clemson for the 4th year in a row for only the second time since the football rivalry began in 1896. This game also made Steve Spurrier the winning-est coach in USC history. And only the second coach to hold that title at two SEC schools. We'll go for five next year with home field advantage and I can't wait to see it happen! 

It was an amazing Thanksgiving weekend! Every single bit of it! One of the best in a quite a while. I was very sad to see it come to an end. However, I am greatly looking forward to Christmas and all the parties, good cookies, fun movies, and of course lights! 28 days to go!!!

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Gobble gobble

Thirty Days of Thankfulness
Day 21: I am thankful for my skills in the kitchen.

I know this seems like a silly think to be thankful for but I realize not everyone can cook or bake or enjoys creating yummy things in the kitchen. I am thankful for all three! I might not be the most creative or most amazing cook, but I am very grateful for the abilities I do have. I'm also thankful more my new sense of adventure in the kitchen. I'm still pretty picky, but I'm more willing to try new things.

Day 22: I am thankful for Thanksgiving.

Thanksgiving is easily one of my favorite days of the year. The food is amazing, the parade is fun, but spending time with my crazy family is the best. I am beyond thrilled that I get to spend all my time this year with my family instead of splitting the day between two families. I do still love my in-laws and will miss seeing them today, but I'm grateful to get to make the most of my day with my family for the first time in more than a few years.

11/21/2012 WOD:
10 min AMRAP
5 Push press (45 lb)
7 Burpees
9 Air Squats
Total reps: 117 reps

Just because it's a holiday week doesn't mean I'm cutting back on CrossFit. I knew my office would shut down pretty early in the day and I didn't want to wait until the 5:30 class, I've had pies to bake duh, so I decided to go in mid-afternoon and do the WOD on my own. I figured the place would be pretty dead with it being mid-afternoon on the Wednesday before Thanksgiving, but not this dead. There was only one other person in there working out! And only five people had come in so far to do the workout that day. Bizarre-o world!

I've never gone in during non-class time to do the WOD on my own. So that plus the place being a ghost town was kind of strange. The workout on the board wasn't bad but not an ideal one to do on my own. Required me to check the clock ever 2.5 minute, multiple bars, counting rounds and reps. Too much going on. Plus there were snatches and push-jerks which I'm not the best at. I didn't want to butcher them and end up hurting myself. All that said I created my own WOD.

It looks so nice and simple in written form. Then halfway though the second round I just wanted to turn off the clock and leave. Who would know?!? I would, that's who. I sucked it up and finished. I know I would have done it faster had there been other people or an instructor, but I'll take it. It's better than nothing, especially the day before I consume 10000 calories. Quads, hamstrings, butt, and shoulders are slightly sore, but very tolerable. I know in just a few short hours my stomach will be so full I won't realize anything on me hurts. Bring on the food coma!

I spent the rest of my Thanksgiving eve with the college kid. We hung out while I baked, watched a chick-flick (What the Expect When You're Expecting...pretty funny), and played catch-up. It was a great way to start the long holiday weekend. And at 12:15 I  was finally able to turn my oven off and call it a night.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Working for the Weekend

Thirty Days of Thankfulness
Day Twenty: I am thankful for my job.

There are days I'd rather stay in bed cuddling with my girls, but very rarely do I get out of bed dreading to go to work. Its not the most thrilling or challenging all the time, but I enjoy my job. I am very grateful to have a job, especially one that is as laid back as mine.

11/20/2012 WOD:
Buy in: 1000 m row
Ring dips (tire dips)
Burpee broad jumps-yards
Kettlebell Swings (26 lb)
Time: 13:23

Two firsts for today! First one, I attempted ring dips for the first time. I couldn't budge dipping, but I was able to hold myself up and maintain stability for about 20 seconds. Gymnast make that shit look so damn easy!!!

Second, I finally moved up on the kettlebell. Goodbye 8 kg kettlebell, hello 12 kg. Its roughly a 10 lb increase. By the end of the workout my arms and lower spent!

After the rough workout, I met the college kid at the local cupcake shop for our favorite cupcake! Since they only sell it on Tuesdays she hasn't been able to get it since school started a few months back. It was a nice treat to go up there!

Even though the long holiday weekend doesn't start until tomorrow afternoon, I feel like its already on! Friends back in town, grocery store parking lots full, and everyone sending happy Thanksgiving wishes! What a wonderful time of year!

Movin' On Up

Thirty Days of Thankfulness
Day 19: I am thankful for my trainers at PDCF.

I would have never stuck around at PDCF if it were not for the amazing group of trainers we have. They all love their jobs and what they do and it more than shows. They don't allow negative attitudes, they push you when they know you can do more, and they love seeing you make progress. They're supportive when they're on and off the clock. There are a few trainers I have yet to meet because of my schedule, but for the five or six folks I have worked with I am very grateful.

11/19/2012 LP:
Back Squat: 95 lb
Press: 50 lb
Sprint: 6 x 40 yd

Last night I made a giant leap! I've moved on from the five and ten pound plates with my squats. Tonight I got to add a 25 pound plate to each side!!!! The guys who help me on Monday nights are really great and celebrate every landmark with me. Even the meat-head guys are supportive!

All that said 95 lbs was tougher than 90, as expected, but I still think I have a little further to go before I hit my first threshold. 120 or bust! Though I've been informed 145-ish will probably be my initial one rep max. We'll see in a few months!

The press is a whole different story. I'm thinking 55 lbs might be it and that's being generous. Last night's 50 lbs was really really hard. I was using all I had to get that last set up. I knew this day would be coming much sooner than it would be with my squats. I have always been far weaker in my arms. So the plan is once I do hit the point when I stall, I'll drop back down to about 45 lbs, stay there for a few weeks then gradually start going up again until I stall again. Keeping the press in rotation will still help me in multiple movements in my CrossFit workouts and allowing myself to adapt to the weight over a few weeks will make moving up easier down the road.

My second week of sprints went pretty well. I added one more run to it this week and didn't notice a major difference with it. Though I could feel my quads screaming with ever step I took having already squatted. I'm glad I added it to my routine. However with it getting colder out I know in a few weeks I might regret the decision.

I capped off my night hanging out with with friends and eating an delicious bowl of chili. First let me say that this guy is an amazing cook and I think he will have a very successful restaurant one day. He's got the skills, personality, and business sense to do it! Back to the chili, I'm a fan of chili. There are a few variations, but it's pretty hard to mess it up and almost just as hard to make it stand out. This chili stood out! So much so that I stole his recipe. The secret, he added a beer to it. Not a fan of the taste of beer, I wasn't super excited once I found out, but it complimented the chili perfectly. Just subtle enough. I'm even willing to venture out and say it's one of the best chili's I've had, but don't tell my mom that!

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Growing Up

Thirty Days of Thankfulness
Day 17: I am thankful for the college kid.

She and I haven't even known each other for a year but she is one of my favorite people ever! I'm grateful for her humor, spontaneity, positive outlook, and of course friendship. She's a fabulous person and I'm lucky to call her a friend.

Day 18: I am thankful for weekend cuddles.

One of my absolute favorite things in the world is to be able to get back in bed after feeding my girls and cuddle on the weekends. Its the perfect way to start a day. And I love that they each have their own way of cuddling.

I've spent the majority of my weekend with the college kid celebrating her birthday. I always thought 20 was just as big of a milestone as 21 but somehow everyone else overlooks it. Leaving your teenage years behind is pretty major. Your twenties are where most of your major life decisions are made. No one tells you that and you don't realize it until your knocking on thirties door.

While she enters her twenties I'm preparing to leave mine. With 13-ish months between me and 30, I'm starting my "what I want to do before I'm 30" bucket list. At the moment I can only think of skydiving and getting another tattoo, but we shall see soon what the list entails. Hopefully plenty more firsts!

Friday, November 16, 2012


Thirty Days of Thankfulness
Day 16: I am thankful for flannel.

One of my favorite things about the colder weather is flannel shirts. I've recently adopted Flannel Fridays and will continue to rock my flannel through early March. I'm grateful for flannel's coziness, warmth, different plaids, and the ability it has to make an outfit fun.

While I'm here I might as well share that today I did something else for the very first time, or at least for the first time that I can remember. I finally broke down and bought some Benadryl today to relieve the crazy itching that I have going on this week. I don't know the source, but I believe I'm allergic to something in my rental, possibly something on the seat belt. I've scratched so hard I have bruies, it's terrible. However, since I think the rental is the cause I'm holding out until I get my lovely car back next week before heading to the doctor. I know, I should just ask for another rental, that would be the smart move. All that said, I love you benadryl. You make the itching bearable, even if I can barely keep my eyes open at work!

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Must Be Jelly Cause Jam Don't Shake

Thirty Days of Thankfulness
Day 14:  I am thankful for my sister.

My sister and I are polar opposites in so many ways. When we were growing up it caused all kinds of arguments, fights and name calling. But just like my mom told us, as we've grown up we've grown closer and I love spending time with her. Seeing that we live less than 10 miles from each other we should see each other more, but I know that I can always call her and she'll be right there for me. I love my sister more than she'll ever know and I wouldn't trade her for anything!

Day 15: I am thankful soreness.

I had to take last night off because I'm sore and bruised from Monday and Tuesday's workouts. I am grateful for the soreness because it means I'm progressing and not staying stagnant. It means I'm pushing myself into new territory that my body isn't familiar with. I'm also thankful for my first collarbone bruise. While it doesn't look pretty it means the weight wasn't easy and I was catching the bar where it's supposed to be caught.

10/15/2012 WOD:
50 yd OH Walking Lunges (10 lb)
400 m run
21 OH Squats (15 lb bar)
800 m run
21 OH Squats
400 m run
50 yd OH Walking Lunges
Time: 17:28

Tonight's challenge wasn't the workout it was the cold! I decided when I was in the locker room that I wasn't going to do the usual 400 m warm-up run because I had forgotten to bring a hoodie. Then I walk out and look at the board and see that we have to go out and run three times. Who is programming this week? Less than halfway through the 800 m run I started cramping up from going back and forth in the warm and cold. Unfortunately the cramp stuck around until the end of the WOD.

Surprisingly I really enjoyed this workout. I could really tell a difference in my legs. I guess the LP is paying off! After tonight I realized I need to add some weight to my OH squat. I think I'm still a little apprehensive of them after the incident a few months back when I just couldn't do it knowing I had done it before. However, I've successfully done OH squats twice recently so I need to add some weight to the bar. If I could get through my second set unbroken, it's too easy.

And for some Thursday night entertainment, I present to you RuPaul's Peanut Butter. The birthday boy of the wonderful dinner I went to last Friday night gave everyone mixtape party favors. I cannot stop listening to this song to save my life! Me and the fiesta rock out to it daily. Enjoy!

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

On Fire

Thirty Days of Thankfulness
Day 13: Today I am thankful that 6 months from now I can file for divorce.

I don't want this to come off as snarky, sarcastic, bitchy or bitter. My state's laws require us to live separately for 12 months and today I am 6 months in. I'm not thankful so I can say I'm done with my husband, I am thankful so we can both completely move on. We have started new lives and while I can't speak for him, I am very happy with mine, but neither of us will be able really start fresh until the end of our marriage is finalized legally. I am also grateful for how amicable this process is for us and am thankful we're able to be grown-ups about it all , still get along and hope for the best for each other.

11/13/2012 WOD:
Deadlift (105 lb)
Hang Power Clean (45 lb)
Kettlebell Swing (18 lb)

My hands and forearms are on fire! It's been over two hours and still can't grip anything without whimpering or almost dropping it. All that said I'm really excited because I upped the weight on the clean. I can't think of the last time I did hang cleans in a workout so I really wasn't sure what weight I should use. I do know that I've never done more than 35 lbs and back in August my max was 55 lbs so I know I'm progressing. I'm also pretty pumped that I left without my wrists being achy. However, I know my collar bones are going to be a bit bruised.

All the pain, soreness, bruises, cuts, blisters, calluses and scrapes are worth every bit of it. I wouldn't trade a any of it. I love doing CrossFit. I love the feeling I get when I walk in and see the trainers and the regulars. I love the small knot in my stomach when I check the board for the WOD. I love talking about how horribly painful it looks while setting up the bars at the same time. I love hearing 3,2,1..GO! I love cheering people on and being cheered on. I love thinking I can't finish and finishing. I love the look of defeat and accomplishment at the same time on people's faces. I love that everyone waits for the last person to finish before leaving. I love after it's all over while we're complaining about how much we hurt or how hard it was, we're also asking who is going to be back tomorrow. Yep, I'm beyond hooked!

Monday, November 12, 2012


Thirty Days of Thankfulness
Day 12: I am thankful for heavy weights.

I don't think its necessary to go over how I never strength trained before Crossfit in detail. That said, I've learned to enjoy and appreciate moving heavy weights around. I'm surprisingly thankful that strength training hasn't come very easy to me and that I'm able to progress slowly and appreciate my gains more. I realize what's heavy for me isn't necessarily heavy for someone else with the exact same build as me. Heavy is relative and I am grateful for that.

10/12/2012 LP:
Back Squat: 90lb
Press: 47.5 lb

Ninety pounds! I remember at one point a little more than 10 years ago weighing 96 lbs myself. And I am putting that weight on my back, squatting with my butt below my knees and standing back up, 15 times. I just did it a couple of hours ago and I still have a hard time comprehending it. It is amazing what your body can adapt to over time. It's even crazier to think that in two weeks I'll be in triple digits. I'm also beginning to wonder what my threshold will be. I'm very confident I can reach my body weight, but I'm not so sure how much further past it I will be able to go. Time will tell soon!

I'm slowing down quicker with my press, which I knew would happen. My upper body strength versus lower body is drastically different and always has been. I think I still have a ways to go before I can't lift more, but I think I may need to add something else to it to keep the progression going. I'll be sure to discuss it with my trainer next time I'm in there to see what the recommendation is.

And speaking of adding something to my routine, tonight I added sprinting to my Monday night plan.  I have never sprinted like this before so another first! Sprinting is a pretty important part of Mark's Primal Blueprint lifestyle. I've been thinking about it since I read his book and knew I wanted to add it to my routine, but wasn't sure when the best time would be. Since my linear progressions take all of about 10 minutes if I keep the chit-chatting with the meat-heads to a minimum I have plenty of time after to do a couple 40 yd sprints without eating up much of my evening. I'm starting with 5 runs for now until I get more used to it then eventually I'll probably build up to 10. I'm pretty excited about it. I think I'll gain a good bit from it that will carry over to the WOD's for the rest of the week. Plus the combination of the heavy weights and quick run makes for a great release on a Monday night.

Sunday, November 11, 2012

To-Do List

Thirty Days of Thankfulness
Day 10: I am thankful for wonderful weather.

I spent almost the entire morning outside doing some household chores, but I couldn't complain a bit because it was beautiful outside today. I even did a few things, like raking the front yard, that I wasn't planning on just because I didn't want to go inside yet.

Day 11: I am thankful less Blue Laws.

Until just recently stores were not allowed to open before 1:30 pm on Sunday's in my city. On a few occasions I've really needed something before 1:30 and now I'm finally able to get it. Like today I was able to march into Walgreen's at 7:30 am to pick up calamine lotion for an irritation I got from yard work yesterday. Thank you city government for saving the day!

Yesterday I conquered a pretty big fear of mine and finally cleaned out my laundry/storage room. My  house was built in 1970 and apparently it was pretty popular then to put the laundry in the storage room in the carport. It's definitely one of the least favorite things about my house, but it could be worse. The shed in my backyard is in terrible shape so the room is a combination of laundry and storage for tools. That combination plus it's less than perfectly sealed door leaves it pretty open for a few creepy crawlers, dirt, and leaves. Sadly the room hadn't really been cleaned out since we moved into the house 3 years ago.

With the prediction for great weather I decided to finally tackle it. I pulled everything out, swept the floors, trashed some things I was storing for no good reason, and rearranged it for better use of space. Ideally I'd like to paint it all white and put in a large overhead florescent light, but for now this will do.

The feeling of accomplishment kept me going. I weeded and cleaned out my front flower bed, raked my front yard, and even got around to touching up the paint in a few rooms in my house. It has been a much needed productive weekend for home repairs. My fantastic soon to be brother-in-law even came by and repaired the lights for me in my hall bathroom. Just one more minor repair to kitchen floor and my to-do list for home repairs will be complete!

Friday, November 9, 2012

Low Key

Thirty Days of Thankfulness
Day 9: I am thankful for my fellow 5:30 pm-ers at PDCF.

I am very thankful to be able to workout and spend time with an AMAZING group of people a few nights a week. I have never seen such drive, support, encouragement, and sweat in one place. While I'm sure the members who go to the other class times are just as great, there is something special about that 5:30 bunch. If it were not for them I'm sure I wouldn't still be as dedicated as I am today. I am very grateful to be able to share my time with them inside and outside the gym!

11/9/2012 WOD:
Clapping push-ups (Hand release)
Wall Balls (8lb)
Time: 9:05

I really enjoy the Friday night classes. There is no telling who is going to show up and how busy it's going to be. Tonight was a relatively low number with most of the regulars MIA. And I was the only chick in the building for a while too.

I attempted to do to wall balls with the 14 lb ball as prescribed but about 5 reps into the first set I quickly realized I wasn't getting the ball high enough on the wall and would be helping myself more if I went back to the 8 lb ball. So that's what I did. At least I gave it a shot, right?

I really enjoy when the 5:30 slot is crazy busy with people, bars, and excitement, but I also enjoy when it's a little more low key like it was tonight. It was a nice way to cap off the week up there. Hopefully my arms and shoulders will have recovered in time for our next round of Ultimate this weekend!

Now to go celebrate my fellow CrossFittter's birthday. I wonder if I'll recognize anyone in regular clothes?!?


Thirty Days of Thankfulness
Day 8: I'm thankful for a safe car.

This morning on my normal route to work I was in a car accident. Just driving and minding my own business when a car crossed the road and smacked into me. Thankfully I spotted her and was able to slow down or else she would have t-boned me. No one was hurt, my car is already at the repair shop and I've already been set up a sweet Ford Fiesta so all in all, things could have been much worse. I love my little MINI and am thankful to be able to have a great safe car.

11/08/2012 WOD:
50 OH Squats (15 lb bar)
50 Toe to Bar (Knee to Elbow)
40 Jumping Lunges
40 Knee to Elbow
30 Air Squat
30 Sit-ups
Time: 16:00

Whoa buddy! My shoulders and hands are killing me! I know those weren't the body parts that were supposed to be hurting post-workout, but they sure are. My quads and abs fatigued during the workout but they aren't sore. From about 15 reps into the overhead squats, my shoulders started screaming. Then having to hang from the bar for 90 reps didn't help.

I was just really happy I was able to do weighted OH squats again because last time they just didn't happen. One of the regulars was next to me and his legs were rejecting them this time. I tried to make him feel better by telling him it's happened to me before but I could see the frustration. Its especially frustrating when you know you've done OH squats before, why all of a sudden does it just not click.

I'm eager to see what's on the menu for tonight. I wouldn't be surprised if it's more leg work. Normally Friday's are pretty quick or maybe that's just wishful thinking since I have plans to help celebrate a fellow CrossFitter's birthday tonight. Sounds like a good crowd is going so it should be a fun time!

A side note: A couple nights ago I made lasagna for dinner but changed it up just a bit. For those that don't know me well, I have a deep love for zucchini. Can't get enough of it. I combined two recipes and used zucchini as the noodles in a mega yummy lasagna. If you like lasagna and you like zucchini, do yourself a favor and give it a try! However, since making a small lasagna isn't possible, I've eaten it for lunch and dinner for 3 days straight now. Kind of over it. If you decide to make it plant to share!

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

No sweat

11/7/2012 WOD:
5 Thrusters (40 lb)
5 Pull-ups (Jumping)
5 Lateral Burpees

Woot woot! Finally upped the weight for a bar movement in the WOD. I know I could have done it sooner but I'm glad I waited because I was much more confident going into it. Just like last week's thrusters, my legs did great and it was my shoulders and arms that fatigued. I'm sure the pull-ups and burpees didn't help. What surprised me most about the workout was how quickly I got winded from round to round. I was happy to hear another one of the regulars say the same thing. Goal tonight was under 10 so I'm very pleased. Also, I don't sweat enough apparently, if you were curious.

Just in case you have looked at a calendar lately, Thanksgiving is two weeks from tomorrow. Two weeks! How the hell did that happen? I was just sitting out by the pool  enjoying the end of summer. My dad has told me since I was little that the older you get the faster time passes and boy was he right. Don't get me wrong, I am really really really excited the holidays are upon us. Seeing sales on turkey's and my local market getting ready for Christmas trees had me jumping up and down inside. I just can't believe it's that time of year again already. Things will be much different this year for me than in years past, but I'm still just as much in the holiday spirit already, if not more!

Happy Ovaries

Thirty Days of Thankfulness
Day Six: I am thankful to have the right to vote for my leaders.

I'm not a very political person by any means, but I am grateful to have the ability to vote. I don't necessarily agree with all aspects of our election process, but was more than happy to be able to cast my vote.

Day Seven: I am thankful I get to keep control of my ovaries.

I was not very passionate about any of the presidential candidates, however, I felt that some of my rights as a  woman were being threatened by one candidate in particular. This morning when I checked the final results to see who would be leading our country for the next four years, I felt my ovaries give each other a high five in celebration!

Monday, November 5, 2012

Class act

Thirty Days of Thankfulness
Day Five: I am thankful that tomorrow is Election Day.

With election season lasting almost two years these days, I am very thankful that for the most part all the campaigning, lies, trash-talking and other bullshit will end tomorrow. I realize that because of Hurricane Sandy there is a good chance the race may have a victor come Wednesday morning, but the campaigning will have ended. And we'll probably get a good 12-18 months before the media starts speculating who will be running in 2016!

While I do joke about the campaigns, I will be voting tomorrow and so should you!

11/5/2012 LP
Back Squat: 85 lb
Press: 45 lb

For the first time in my life I was able to lift the 45 lb bar over my head. It was a fantastic feeling! As was squatting with 85 lbs on my back. That is 40 lbs up from where I started. Insane!!! Because the weight for squats is getting up there (for me) I'm now doing a set of squats with just the bar as part of my warm-up. Funny thing, it didn't even feel like I had any extra weight on my back. It's amazing what your body can adapt to in just a few weeks.

I've also been called out by a few of the 5:30 pm-ers for ditching the WOD to hang out with the "meat heads" in the back of the gym. While I really enjoy my weight training on Monday's, I adore the folks that I usually spend my evenings with at PDCF. They're fantastic, supportive, and mega fun! I don't think you could pay me to leave them for another group. I'm already itching to get in there on Wednesday to sweat my ass off with them!

Sunday, November 4, 2012


Thirty Days of Thankfulness
Day Two: I am thankful for being healthy and able-bodied.

There are plenty of people who for one reason or another don't have full use of their body and will never live long healthy lives. Thankfully, I am fortunate enough to not fit into that category. I've always appreciated being able to function fully but not until I began working out regularly and trying to get stronger did I truly understand how lucky I am. I will not take it for granted anymore and will try very hard to remember when I get down that things could always be worse.

Day Three: I am thankful to be surrounded by amazingly wonderful friends

Like with my family, I've had the support of my friends over the past few months as well. They've been wonderful and I've learned who I can really rely on when I need them. I wouldn't trade my friends for anything. And through PDCF I've met a whole new group of people that I greatly enjoy spending my time with. They're fantastic and supportive in a whole different way.

Day Four: Beane and Roma

I am so lucky to have the two more adorable furry kids in the world. They are the cutest, sweetest, and most fun dogs I've ever had and I probably love them more than I should. Through this transition the three of us had a little adjusting to do in our normal routines, but I think we're doing just fine. I am very thankful to still be able to have them and thankful they have each other.

11/2/2012 WOD:
21 Thrusters (35 lb)
42 Grasshoppers
15 Thrusters
30 Grasshoppers
9 Thrusters
18 Grasshoppers
Time: 5:57

Guess who's legs didn't get even the tiniest bit fatigued from the thrusters? This girl! My LP squats are paying off big time. My shoulders however were a different story. They were screaming from the thrusters and the grasshoppers by the end of the workout. Luckily it was only temporary and there was no residual soreness later.

To say that I have had a great weekend is one of the biggest understatements ever! It has been beyond fantastic for so many reasons. One of the best parts was that I finally got to play Ultimate Frisbee again for the first time since July. One of the guys at PDCF suggested getting a game together a few weeks back and yesterday was the day. We had 18 people show up, a handful from the old crowd but mostly folks from the box.. Boy was it fun! It was really great seeing some of the guys and gals outside of their normal routine. Of course they're all athletic as hell so it wasn't like the game was a challenge for them either. And the college kid and I proved ourselves with a pretty great play for our teams first point. I'm even more amped because it appears it was a hit and that it's probably going to become a regular things again.

Now to enjoy the rest of my weekend and to see if it's possible for it to get any better. I think there is a slight chance, but yesterday is going to be very hard to beat!

Thursday, November 1, 2012


Today is November 1st. Halloween is over. Thanksgiving is right around the corner. I noticed very quickly this morning on Facebook that many of my friends are participating in Thirty Days of Thankfulness. Not one for sharing too much on Facebook these days I decided I wanted to participate but would keep it to my blog. More than likely I'll lump my thankful thought together with my regular posts. However, day one gets the special treatment!

Thirty Days of Thankfulness
Day One: I am thankful for my wonderfully supportive family.

I've gone through quite a bit of changes in the past 6+ months and my family has been right by my side throughout the entire process. Anything I need their help with they are right there.. They don't ask questions, they just do. And I love them for it!