Tuesday, November 13, 2012

On Fire

Thirty Days of Thankfulness
Day 13: Today I am thankful that 6 months from now I can file for divorce.

I don't want this to come off as snarky, sarcastic, bitchy or bitter. My state's laws require us to live separately for 12 months and today I am 6 months in. I'm not thankful so I can say I'm done with my husband, I am thankful so we can both completely move on. We have started new lives and while I can't speak for him, I am very happy with mine, but neither of us will be able really start fresh until the end of our marriage is finalized legally. I am also grateful for how amicable this process is for us and am thankful we're able to be grown-ups about it all , still get along and hope for the best for each other.

11/13/2012 WOD:
Deadlift (105 lb)
Hang Power Clean (45 lb)
Kettlebell Swing (18 lb)

My hands and forearms are on fire! It's been over two hours and still can't grip anything without whimpering or almost dropping it. All that said I'm really excited because I upped the weight on the clean. I can't think of the last time I did hang cleans in a workout so I really wasn't sure what weight I should use. I do know that I've never done more than 35 lbs and back in August my max was 55 lbs so I know I'm progressing. I'm also pretty pumped that I left without my wrists being achy. However, I know my collar bones are going to be a bit bruised.

All the pain, soreness, bruises, cuts, blisters, calluses and scrapes are worth every bit of it. I wouldn't trade a any of it. I love doing CrossFit. I love the feeling I get when I walk in and see the trainers and the regulars. I love the small knot in my stomach when I check the board for the WOD. I love talking about how horribly painful it looks while setting up the bars at the same time. I love hearing 3,2,1..GO! I love cheering people on and being cheered on. I love thinking I can't finish and finishing. I love the look of defeat and accomplishment at the same time on people's faces. I love that everyone waits for the last person to finish before leaving. I love after it's all over while we're complaining about how much we hurt or how hard it was, we're also asking who is going to be back tomorrow. Yep, I'm beyond hooked!

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