Friday, April 26, 2013

Making My Move

4/25/2013 WOD:
Run 200 m at start of each round
Double Unders (4x singles)
Time: 19:45

I did another workout with the class. Twice in a week! I think it's been since December since that has happened. I had my own workout planned but was talking to a few of the regulars and they convinced me. I made the unfortunate mistake of drinking water right before we started and cramped up miserably during the single unders. I wanted to give some doubles a shot but was in too much pain to attempt to jump higher. Residual soreness from Tuesday plus the lack of AC left me unwilling to do pull-up and overhead squat work as I had planned. Reason # 135135801 why I stopped doing the classes!

Tonight is my last night in my house! It's so empty. Just bedroom furniture and a few odds and ends left to move tomorrow, plus my two girls. I know Beane has been a little more on edge with me taking things out of the house. I'm curious if she remembers the last move or when my almost ex-husband moved out. If she think's I'll leave her too. I keep telling her we're moving but unfortunately she can't grasp it. Tomorrow she'll finally see what it's all about!

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Lions and Tigers and Bears...oh my!

4/22/2013 Lifting:
Clean: 5x3 [65 lbs]
Deadlift: 1x5 [95 lbs, 135 lbs]
Double Unders: 5 minutes
Squat: 3x5 [95 lbs]
Press: [45 lbs]
Sit-ups: 40

4/23/2013 WOD:
Pull-ups: 3x5 [banded]

50 yd Bear Crawl
20 Burpees
30 min cap
Time: 15:00 

All this moving and working on cleans over the weekend left me super beat-up on Monday night. I was feeling fatigued early for sure, but still felt like I put in pretty good work.

And last night I did the wod with the class for the first time in over a month. I wanted to do more body weight stuff since I was still pretty sore and was sold when I saw bear crawls on the board. I also knew class would probably get started pretty quick and I was right. I was very very happy with my time! It made me feel better about skipping classes that it isn't hurting me overall. My shoulders were on fire by the start of the first round of burpees and I was quickly wondering if it was a bad decision to do the workout but no regrets. Bear crawls are always worth it!

The move is in the final stages. Having the free time living the unemployed life has allowed me to pack and bring things over as I want which has been fantastic. Makes packing up and moving an entire house much easier. All that's left are my clothes, bedroom furniture and of course my precious little pups. They'll be the last thing to come on Saturday morning. Then we'll have the rest of the weekend to help them get acclimated. My fantastic boyfriend even took Monday off work to spend with us to make it a little less stressful. Lucky me!

Monday, April 22, 2013


4/18/2013 WOD:
Pull-ups: 3x5 [banded]

Death by Squats:
Minute One: 1 squat, 1 burpee (95 lbs)
Minute Two: 2 squats, 2 burpees
... until failure
Rounds: 5

4/20/2013 WOD:
Pull-ups: 3x2 [skinny band]
OH Squats: 3x5 [35 lb 1st set, 40 lbs]
Double Unders: 5 minutes

Power Clean: technique instruction

12 min AMRAP:
3 Power Cleans + 1 Shoulder to Overhead [45 lbs]
6 Push-ups [knee]
9 Box Jumps [18"]
Rounds: 9


I've been very very slack when it comes to this place over the last week. However, in my defense, I've been packing, painting, job hunting and hauling boxes. And today I got the internet switched from my house to my new place. Hopefully in the next week once the move is finished and I'm just at home hunting for jobs we can return to our regular schedule over in these parts.

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Regularly Scheduled Programming

4/11/2013 WOD:
Pull-ups: 3x5 [banded]

3 RFT:
200 m run
20 OH Lunges [10 lbs]
20 Kettlebell Swings [26 lbs]
20 sit-ups
Time: 14:48

Overhead Squats: 2x5 [35 lbs]
Double Unders: 10 minutes, 10 rep PR

4/15/2013 Lifting:
Clean: 3x5 [65 lbs]
Squat: 2x1 [105, 110, 115, 120 lbs]
Bench Press: 3x7 [45 lb]
Deadlift: 1x5 [135 lbs]

Double Unders: 5 minutes

4/16/2013 WOD:
Pull-ups 3x5 [banded]

4 RFT:
250 m row
5 Overhead Squats [35 lb]
10 lunges
15 sit-ups
Time: 13:01

Prowler Push: 6x30 yds [115 lbs]

So I got a bit behind there. I have a very valid excuse, I promise! Friday morning after an hour or so of work  I got laid off out of the blue. I came home, worked like mad on my resume, headed off to Raleigh for the weekend, spent Monday packing ( house finally rented and I'm moving in with the boyfriend soon),  and Tuesday looking for jobs, prepping the boyfriends dining room for paint, helping my mom. Just finally got some time where I didn't feel like I could be doing anything else. Can't pack because I'm out of boxes. Can't paint yet because I furniture needs to be moved. So here I am blogging, catching up on news, and g-chatting with the boyfriend while trying to return to some kind of normal routine.

Hopefully the painting can be finished by Friday, finish the packing over the weekend then get moved in by the end of next week. My house won't actually be rented until July 1st, but the boyfriend suggested I move in now while I have free time so it's not rushed and so I can be around while the dogs all get acclimated in their new place. He's fantastic by the way! Plus our weekends in May are pretty tied up so it's now or June. Now sounds better to me too!

Oh yeah, and all those workouts above went well and great too! We'll get back to the normal routine here shortly.

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Sweat Monster

4/9/2013 WOD:
Pull-ups: 3x5 [banded]

For time:
30 Hang Power Cleans [45 lbs]
30 Front Squats [45 lbs]
30 Kettlebell Swings [26 lb]
30 Goblet Squats [26 lb]
Time: 11:28

Tabata: Burpees and Deadlifts [Burpees only]

I went in feeling great. I left a sweaty mess.

My pull-ups were very successful. I noticed the last few times I was struggling after the second or third rep, but this time it wasn't until the fifth that I was barely getting my chin over the bar.

I decided to do the WOD my gym had on the board yesterday. Seemed like good work and I'd feel okay not making up my squat work I failed yesterday with the two sets of squats in the WOD. I'm sure it was still partly the new addition of warm weather we're having, but damn this one did me in! So much so that I was only doing 5-10 goblet squats at a time.

I started chatting with some folks after and didn't feel like putting in the work from the tabata, but the boyfriend was all set up and ready to go so I decided to only do the burpee portion and rest extra while he did the deadlifts. It was fun to chat and every 30 second stop and go all out for burpees then pick up conversation again. No where else would this be acceptable social behavior.

I'm feeling the cleans and swings this morning! And probably a little bit from holding the bar in the front rack for the squats too. I love putting in good work and feeling the results the next day. Makes all the sweating, terrible faces, grunting and feeling winded worth it.

Speaking of sweat, my non-deodorant experiment is still going strong! I haven't been sweating any more than usual and I swear I smell better after a workout than I did when I was using my regular deodorant. I even confident enough to through my arm pit in my mom's face last week when I went over for dinner after a workout. No grimacing, just pleasantly surprised! Bring on the heat, I'm ready for it!

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Just Go Home

4/6/2013 WOD:
Squat: 1x5 [95 lbs], 1x2 [115, 120 lbs]

Handstand Holds: 2x30 seconds

10 min AMRAP:
5 Thrusters [45 lbs]
50 yd Farmers Carry [35 lb/hand]
50 yd Sprint
5 Thrusters
50 yd Sprint
50 yd Farmers Carry
Rounds: 3

4/8/2013 Lift:
Squat: no rep (sore hips)
Press: 3x5 [45 lbs]
Clean: 5x3 [65 lbs]
Deadlift: no rep (tight back)

Double Unders: 5 minutes work

Saturday was fantastic, tough, but fantastic.

Monday was a bust. I'm blaming my sore hips, tight back and the new addition of warmer spring weather. Give me a week and I'll be adjusted but I was sweating just doing my stretches. After the squat fail I joked I just needed to go home. Then I accidentally loaded 55 lbs on the bar for the press and did a few reps before realizing it was the wrong weight (though now I know I should have just stuck it out since I managed 3 week!) and said I needed to go home again. Then I did my first warm-up lift at 115 on the deadlift and felt it strongly in my lower back. Seriously, just throw in the towel and go home.

My other excuse was it was the first time with the new set-up on the squat racks. We have fancy new wooden platforms to do our lifts on so there were a few more people making the most of it than usual. I enjoy my secluded Monday night lifting, but I think those days are over. I'll adapt and am happy to have the new equipment!

Today is another day. I'm going into the gym expecting the heat, expecting it to be a bit more crowded because of all the new equipment and expecting to leave satisfied knowing I pushed myself as much as I can, even if that means not doing what was on my 'schedule.'

Friday, April 5, 2013

Cake or Death

4/4/2013 WOD:
Pull-ups: 2x5 [Negatives]

3 RFT:
10 KB SDHP [26 lb]
15 Front Squat [45 lb]
150 m Row
Time: 10:10

I've really done a number on my quads this week! They were still sore yesterday and I didn't think about the torture I had planned for them with that WOD. Yet surprisingly today they only have minor soreness today. Maybe not minor, but compared to the rest of the week, I'm feeling great!

Going into the weekend I'm super pumped! The weather is finally warming up again to spring temperatures. Plus it's the boyfriend's birthday on Sunday. Which means cake! I haven't baked a cake in a really really long time. Could have been over a year, who knows, but I'm excited! Plus I get to eat some of the cake. Yum! See ya later paleo!

Is it 5 yet?

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Day Two

4/2/2013 WOD:
Pullups: 3x5 [banded]
Squat: 3x7 [100 lbs]

For time:
800 m run
40 Squats
30 Sit ups
20 Push ups [knee]
10 Pull ups [banded]
Time: 11:11

Kettlebell Swings: DNF

Can I tell any difference after two days of my programming? You bet your ass I can! I couldn't even finish the KB tabata because of some back soreness from all the extra work. And my quads are tighter than they've been in a long time. I'm just waiting for the shoulder soreness to really settle in. But you know what? It's exactly what I was hoping for!

I loved leaving last night feeling like I'd pushed myself and worked myself head to toe. And that WOD (via Dogtown Crossfit) was exactly what I needed. Left me winded and sweaty but was much quicker than I anticipated. I'm really enjoying searching out WOD's from different gyms and programs. And picking ones I know will be a challenge. My gym still does great programming and I'm stealing from them as well, I'm just not necessarily doing them on the days everyone else is.

I'm sore today and will enjoy this rest day, but I'm already excited to get back in there tomorrow night!

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Work With A Purpose

4/1/2013 Lifting Day:
Clean: 3x3 [65 lbs]
Squat: 1x5 [115 lbs] 3x7 [100 DNF]
Bench Press: 3x5 [50 lbs]
Deadlift: 1x5 [130 lbs]

Overhead Squats: 3x5 [35 lbs]
Double Unders: 5 minutes

Day one was so close to perfect, but of course I ran into an issue. I didn't notice until I was finishing my first set of heavy squats that the bar was pretty painful on my neck. Guess who got slightly sunburned from spending most of Sunday outdoors? I tried to put the bar back on but it was really uncomfortable so I decided to do OH squats and to give it another go today.

Overall, I really enjoyed having the extra lifts and knowing exactly what I had on the menu instead of deciding at the last minute to do double unders aimlessly or to go row for fun.

Tonight should be a good time too! The boyfriend has decided to join me on my tabata's of choice on Tuesday nights. Having someone else doing it will me will push me to go all out for those 20 seconds.

I know it's only Tuesday and I have lots of good things to look forward to this week, but I'm ready for the weekend. Sunday is the boyfriend's birthday and I'm super pumped to celebrate with him! I really enjoy birthdays and making a big deal of them. It's fun to make someone feel a little extra special one day a year!

Monday, April 1, 2013


3/29/2013 LP & WOD:
Squat: 1x5 [95 lbs], 1x2 [105, 115, 120, 125, 130, 135 lbs]

20 yd Bear Crawl
5 Deadlifts (115 lbs)
10 Burpees
Time: 10:47

Negative Pull-ups: 1x5
Overhead Squats: 3x3 [35 lbs]

In case you didn't pick up on those figures up there, I hit my second squat goal on Friday of 135!!!!!!!! I had zero intention of that happening, but I got to 120 decided to go until I didn't feel comfortable. Not only did I hit 135, I hit it twice! I quietly kept adding plates. I didn't tell the boyfriend when I got 125 and was attempting 130. I decided to keep this one to myself and see how far I could push myself on my own without any added support. Though he was VERY happy for me and proud that I did it. I can't wait to see where this new routine takes me over the next few months.

The WOD I did on my own was exhausting! After the first round I was pouring buckets of sweat and was struggling to squeeze out five burpees at a time. I guess I pick 'em well, huh?

Tonight starts my first full week of my own experiment program. I'm intrigued to see where this goes and if or when I'll notice any progress with the movements (pull-ups, cleans, etc) that I'm focusing more time on. I'll recap at the end of the month since I'm starting fresh on the 1st.

Just now getting over my fabulous long Easter weekend! I've decided my weekends need to be a little less fun because they make Monday's pretty brutal to deal with. Spent Friday morning in the gym then headed up to Raleigh with the boyfriend to visit with his family and to accompany him to his first tattoo appointment. It looks mega-cool! And he was a champ for enduring 3.5 hours of work on his ribs. Went on a nice long walk and watched some Turtles in the river before coming back Saturday afternoon. Spent part of Sunday with my family doing Easter brunch. Very yummy stuff.

Though one of my favorite parts of the weekend was when the boyfriend took my less social pup, Roma, to his house to play with his pup without me or my other furry kid. He's a dog whisperer! They did so well he brought his dog back over with Roma (smashed together in my MINI) to play with my other girl, Beane, on their own turf. Things went just as well there! Relieved and thrilled are the first words that come to mind. Plus Beane and I got to enjoy a nice walk in the neighborhood while they were on their puppy play date. Can't wait for the next one!