Monday, April 1, 2013


3/29/2013 LP & WOD:
Squat: 1x5 [95 lbs], 1x2 [105, 115, 120, 125, 130, 135 lbs]

20 yd Bear Crawl
5 Deadlifts (115 lbs)
10 Burpees
Time: 10:47

Negative Pull-ups: 1x5
Overhead Squats: 3x3 [35 lbs]

In case you didn't pick up on those figures up there, I hit my second squat goal on Friday of 135!!!!!!!! I had zero intention of that happening, but I got to 120 decided to go until I didn't feel comfortable. Not only did I hit 135, I hit it twice! I quietly kept adding plates. I didn't tell the boyfriend when I got 125 and was attempting 130. I decided to keep this one to myself and see how far I could push myself on my own without any added support. Though he was VERY happy for me and proud that I did it. I can't wait to see where this new routine takes me over the next few months.

The WOD I did on my own was exhausting! After the first round I was pouring buckets of sweat and was struggling to squeeze out five burpees at a time. I guess I pick 'em well, huh?

Tonight starts my first full week of my own experiment program. I'm intrigued to see where this goes and if or when I'll notice any progress with the movements (pull-ups, cleans, etc) that I'm focusing more time on. I'll recap at the end of the month since I'm starting fresh on the 1st.

Just now getting over my fabulous long Easter weekend! I've decided my weekends need to be a little less fun because they make Monday's pretty brutal to deal with. Spent Friday morning in the gym then headed up to Raleigh with the boyfriend to visit with his family and to accompany him to his first tattoo appointment. It looks mega-cool! And he was a champ for enduring 3.5 hours of work on his ribs. Went on a nice long walk and watched some Turtles in the river before coming back Saturday afternoon. Spent part of Sunday with my family doing Easter brunch. Very yummy stuff.

Though one of my favorite parts of the weekend was when the boyfriend took my less social pup, Roma, to his house to play with his pup without me or my other furry kid. He's a dog whisperer! They did so well he brought his dog back over with Roma (smashed together in my MINI) to play with my other girl, Beane, on their own turf. Things went just as well there! Relieved and thrilled are the first words that come to mind. Plus Beane and I got to enjoy a nice walk in the neighborhood while they were on their puppy play date. Can't wait for the next one!

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