Monday, November 26, 2012

Counting down

Thirty Days of Thankfulness:
Day 23: I'm thankful for leftovers.

For the first time in my adult like I have Thanksgiving leftovers. Turkey, dressing, macaroni and cheese, sweet potatoes casserole, and apple pie. Its all sooooo good. Back to primal on Monday!

Day 24: I'm thankful for my Christmas decorating traditions.

The Saturday after Thanksgiving is one of my favorite days of the whole year! I pick out my Christmas tree and decorate it and the house while watching Love Actually. I'm grateful with things being different this year that I was able to keep with tradition.

Day 25: I'm thankful for long weekends.

I had an amazing Thanksgiving break! I'm very grateful for the time I got the spend with my family as well as the time spent having fun with friends. It was a much needed break from the office and the regular routine

11/24/2012 WOD:
10 min AMRAP
5 Thrusters (45 lb)
10 Kettlebell swings (26 lb)
30 yd Bear Crawl
Rounds: 4 + 5 thrusters

Hard and fast. That pretty much sum's up Saturday's post-thanksgiving workout. We had a pretty small group, which I expected for the holiday weekend, but I was glad I went in. It was nice to move some weight around after eating like a cow on Thursday and Friday. 

I spent the majority of my weekend hanging out with friends, cleaning out my house, spending quality time with my pups, and of course breaking out the Christmas decor! The Saturday after Thanksgiving is one of my most favorite days of the entire year! I have a lovely tradition that I just love. I break out the Christmas decorations, go pick out my tree from my favorite local produce stand, then spend the afternoon decorating the tree and the house while I watch Love Actually. The tradition is about five years old and I don't intend to break it anytime soon. 

The other reason that day is one of my favorites is because it's the in-state college football rivalry day too! And this year was another great one for the South Carolina Gamecocks. We beat Clemson for the 4th year in a row for only the second time since the football rivalry began in 1896. This game also made Steve Spurrier the winning-est coach in USC history. And only the second coach to hold that title at two SEC schools. We'll go for five next year with home field advantage and I can't wait to see it happen! 

It was an amazing Thanksgiving weekend! Every single bit of it! One of the best in a quite a while. I was very sad to see it come to an end. However, I am greatly looking forward to Christmas and all the parties, good cookies, fun movies, and of course lights! 28 days to go!!!

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