Thursday, November 22, 2012

Gobble gobble

Thirty Days of Thankfulness
Day 21: I am thankful for my skills in the kitchen.

I know this seems like a silly think to be thankful for but I realize not everyone can cook or bake or enjoys creating yummy things in the kitchen. I am thankful for all three! I might not be the most creative or most amazing cook, but I am very grateful for the abilities I do have. I'm also thankful more my new sense of adventure in the kitchen. I'm still pretty picky, but I'm more willing to try new things.

Day 22: I am thankful for Thanksgiving.

Thanksgiving is easily one of my favorite days of the year. The food is amazing, the parade is fun, but spending time with my crazy family is the best. I am beyond thrilled that I get to spend all my time this year with my family instead of splitting the day between two families. I do still love my in-laws and will miss seeing them today, but I'm grateful to get to make the most of my day with my family for the first time in more than a few years.

11/21/2012 WOD:
10 min AMRAP
5 Push press (45 lb)
7 Burpees
9 Air Squats
Total reps: 117 reps

Just because it's a holiday week doesn't mean I'm cutting back on CrossFit. I knew my office would shut down pretty early in the day and I didn't want to wait until the 5:30 class, I've had pies to bake duh, so I decided to go in mid-afternoon and do the WOD on my own. I figured the place would be pretty dead with it being mid-afternoon on the Wednesday before Thanksgiving, but not this dead. There was only one other person in there working out! And only five people had come in so far to do the workout that day. Bizarre-o world!

I've never gone in during non-class time to do the WOD on my own. So that plus the place being a ghost town was kind of strange. The workout on the board wasn't bad but not an ideal one to do on my own. Required me to check the clock ever 2.5 minute, multiple bars, counting rounds and reps. Too much going on. Plus there were snatches and push-jerks which I'm not the best at. I didn't want to butcher them and end up hurting myself. All that said I created my own WOD.

It looks so nice and simple in written form. Then halfway though the second round I just wanted to turn off the clock and leave. Who would know?!? I would, that's who. I sucked it up and finished. I know I would have done it faster had there been other people or an instructor, but I'll take it. It's better than nothing, especially the day before I consume 10000 calories. Quads, hamstrings, butt, and shoulders are slightly sore, but very tolerable. I know in just a few short hours my stomach will be so full I won't realize anything on me hurts. Bring on the food coma!

I spent the rest of my Thanksgiving eve with the college kid. We hung out while I baked, watched a chick-flick (What the Expect When You're Expecting...pretty funny), and played catch-up. It was a great way to start the long holiday weekend. And at 12:15 I  was finally able to turn my oven off and call it a night.

Happy Thanksgiving!

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