Sunday, November 4, 2012


Thirty Days of Thankfulness
Day Two: I am thankful for being healthy and able-bodied.

There are plenty of people who for one reason or another don't have full use of their body and will never live long healthy lives. Thankfully, I am fortunate enough to not fit into that category. I've always appreciated being able to function fully but not until I began working out regularly and trying to get stronger did I truly understand how lucky I am. I will not take it for granted anymore and will try very hard to remember when I get down that things could always be worse.

Day Three: I am thankful to be surrounded by amazingly wonderful friends

Like with my family, I've had the support of my friends over the past few months as well. They've been wonderful and I've learned who I can really rely on when I need them. I wouldn't trade my friends for anything. And through PDCF I've met a whole new group of people that I greatly enjoy spending my time with. They're fantastic and supportive in a whole different way.

Day Four: Beane and Roma

I am so lucky to have the two more adorable furry kids in the world. They are the cutest, sweetest, and most fun dogs I've ever had and I probably love them more than I should. Through this transition the three of us had a little adjusting to do in our normal routines, but I think we're doing just fine. I am very thankful to still be able to have them and thankful they have each other.

11/2/2012 WOD:
21 Thrusters (35 lb)
42 Grasshoppers
15 Thrusters
30 Grasshoppers
9 Thrusters
18 Grasshoppers
Time: 5:57

Guess who's legs didn't get even the tiniest bit fatigued from the thrusters? This girl! My LP squats are paying off big time. My shoulders however were a different story. They were screaming from the thrusters and the grasshoppers by the end of the workout. Luckily it was only temporary and there was no residual soreness later.

To say that I have had a great weekend is one of the biggest understatements ever! It has been beyond fantastic for so many reasons. One of the best parts was that I finally got to play Ultimate Frisbee again for the first time since July. One of the guys at PDCF suggested getting a game together a few weeks back and yesterday was the day. We had 18 people show up, a handful from the old crowd but mostly folks from the box.. Boy was it fun! It was really great seeing some of the guys and gals outside of their normal routine. Of course they're all athletic as hell so it wasn't like the game was a challenge for them either. And the college kid and I proved ourselves with a pretty great play for our teams first point. I'm even more amped because it appears it was a hit and that it's probably going to become a regular things again.

Now to enjoy the rest of my weekend and to see if it's possible for it to get any better. I think there is a slight chance, but yesterday is going to be very hard to beat!

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