Friday, November 9, 2012


Thirty Days of Thankfulness
Day 8: I'm thankful for a safe car.

This morning on my normal route to work I was in a car accident. Just driving and minding my own business when a car crossed the road and smacked into me. Thankfully I spotted her and was able to slow down or else she would have t-boned me. No one was hurt, my car is already at the repair shop and I've already been set up a sweet Ford Fiesta so all in all, things could have been much worse. I love my little MINI and am thankful to be able to have a great safe car.

11/08/2012 WOD:
50 OH Squats (15 lb bar)
50 Toe to Bar (Knee to Elbow)
40 Jumping Lunges
40 Knee to Elbow
30 Air Squat
30 Sit-ups
Time: 16:00

Whoa buddy! My shoulders and hands are killing me! I know those weren't the body parts that were supposed to be hurting post-workout, but they sure are. My quads and abs fatigued during the workout but they aren't sore. From about 15 reps into the overhead squats, my shoulders started screaming. Then having to hang from the bar for 90 reps didn't help.

I was just really happy I was able to do weighted OH squats again because last time they just didn't happen. One of the regulars was next to me and his legs were rejecting them this time. I tried to make him feel better by telling him it's happened to me before but I could see the frustration. Its especially frustrating when you know you've done OH squats before, why all of a sudden does it just not click.

I'm eager to see what's on the menu for tonight. I wouldn't be surprised if it's more leg work. Normally Friday's are pretty quick or maybe that's just wishful thinking since I have plans to help celebrate a fellow CrossFitter's birthday tonight. Sounds like a good crowd is going so it should be a fun time!

A side note: A couple nights ago I made lasagna for dinner but changed it up just a bit. For those that don't know me well, I have a deep love for zucchini. Can't get enough of it. I combined two recipes and used zucchini as the noodles in a mega yummy lasagna. If you like lasagna and you like zucchini, do yourself a favor and give it a try! However, since making a small lasagna isn't possible, I've eaten it for lunch and dinner for 3 days straight now. Kind of over it. If you decide to make it plant to share!

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