Monday, August 20, 2012

Making the move

I am not an apple fanboy. I currently own my second Macbook and of course an iPod, but over the last few years I've grown to dislike Apple more and more. Sure they're create amazing products that are beautiful, but once I realized they patent everything under the sun making it nearly impossible for anyone else to create or do anything else in technology without infringing on their 'work' I lost interest. I finally made my last move to rid Apple from my life last Thursday.

I probably very easily qualify as a Google fanboy...fangirl.  I'm on my second Android phone, Samsung Galaxy Nexus, and I just ordered my Google Chrome Box. Over the last year or two I've moved more and more of my 'life' into Google products and haven't regretted it a bit. Everything is so simple and available.

I spent my weekend preparing to make the move. I went through my physical music collection and made sure I had everything already uploaded. Turns out I was missing about 50 or so complete albums. By early Saturday morning I had finally finished the uploading to my Mac and it was time to update Google Play. 789 songs and about 7 hours later Google Play was synched. Finally I spent Sunday making sure my external hard drive was backed up, just incase one of those clouds falls from the sky and I never see my music or pictures again and reformatting my Mac.

While I'm really looking forward to making the switch, part of me is sad to see Blanche (my mac) go. She was really good to me and never caused one problem. We traveled together and had lots of good times, but I know she'll be just as happy in her new home.

Part of me is also anxious about this move because I've never actually seen or used the Chrome OS. I've done my reading and I think it's just what I need since I mostly only use my computer for internet based activities. I'm not making movies, playing Half-Life or working with Photoshop. This is also the closest I've ever come to owning a 'desk top' computer. I have no intention of actually using my little box at a desk, I do intend to keep him connected to my TV as a monitor. And without a monitor he won't be an easy travel companion like Blanche was. Eventually I plan on getting an Android or Chrome based tablet, but for now my Nexus works just fine.

My new little friend is currently out for delivery and I hope he makes his arrival by lunch. Now to decide on a name, any suggestions?

1 comment:

  1. I feel the same way about Apple products. Sure they're sleek and pretty, but I've never thought of them as being the workhorses that PCs are. PCs are easy to repair and I've been able to install software programs on my Dell that aren't Mac friendly. I'm upgrading my phone soon and going with an Android. I want a tablet, but I don't really want an iPad. I'm probably going with a Google table too when the time comes.
