Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Cindy is a bitch!

8/28/2012 WOD:
AMRAP, 20 minutes
5 pull-ups (banded)
10 push-ups
15 air squats
Rounds: 12 + 5 squats (PR)

CrossFit has a few benchmark WODs all named after girls. Tonight I was introduced to Cindy. She and I aren't friends! However, since it was my first time meeting Cindy I automatically got a PR which was a lovely way to start the night. After doing a little calculation I realized that I somehow managed to do 65 pull-ups, 130 push-ups, and 180 squats. If only I hadn't taken that water break or re-chalked my hands I probably could have finished that 13th round. However, 12 was my goal so I'll take it!

I had all intentions of spending my Tuesday evening on step-2 of my current redecorating project. After three years living in my house I finally pulled down the wall paper in the hallway last night. Its the only wallpaper in my house and I never really had a problem with it, but I was ready to liven things up a bit. With the paper down, tonight was supposed to be spent sanding down the walls so I could paint tomorrow. Well Cindy ruined that. My arms and legs feel like jello!

So instead I'm going to spend my evening by candlelight listening to some new tunes and reading. I'm still really enjoying my nights by candlelight. Since I've started I've been waking up somewhere between 5 and 6 every single day. I slept until 6:30 the other day and felt like I was sleeping in! The crazy thing is that I'm not really going to sleep earlier than I was before the candle experiment started and I have yet to feel tired. I'm not sure if its just the candles or if it's also because I have more energy from working out. Either way I'm starting to enjoy the new routine and having the extra time in the mornings. It's been a welcomed change.

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