Friday, March 15, 2013

Gone Hippy

3/14/2013 WOD:
5 Pull-ups (Banded)
20 OH Walking Lunge (10 lb)
5 Push-ups (1 set strict, 4 set knee)
20 Sit-ups
Time: 12:41

I went into the gym in a pretty foul mood. The following didn't help:

  •  As predicted, the class was doing the 13.2 from the Open. It was a quick and relatively painless workout but as I said last week, if I wanted to do workout from the Open I would have signed up for it. Give us a break! 
  • I had planned to do a power clean/double under mix but the gym is low on 10 lb bumper plates with the new shipment on order so I couldn't load a bar up to the weight I wanted. Don't toss out the old torn up bumpers until the new ones come in! How are we supposed to work with only a few sets of plates? Come on!
  • Double unders were not happening pre-workout no matter what I tried. I had red whip marks to prove it. Legs, jump higher dammit! 
  • People were lingering around for an hour waiting to for official scoring to start for the Open. Why stand around for an hour? Show up at 6:15, get warmed up and wait your turn when scoring starts at 6:30. Don't you people have kids to feed or dogs to walk? UGH! 
See, if I try hard enough I can accurately reenact the foulness so you truly get the mood I'm going for. Did it work?

Anywho, I opted for a repeat performance of a self-programmed WOD I've done twice before. Sadly, my time was a good minute slower than last time. I blame the mood and not being in a hurry to walk from the pull-up right alllllllllll the way over to my tiny space on the floor for lunges, push-ups and sit-ups. I did tweak a small piece. Instead of doing negative pull-ups, I opted for banded. April is nearing and I'll be damned if I don't get a pull-up by 4.30.2013.

Soooooo I went a little hippy this morning. First some back story  Lately I've been trying to rely on cleaning products loaded with chemicals less and less. Lots of vinegar, baking soda, borax and coconut oil goodness going on in my house. This led to me thinking about what was in some of the beauty products I use. For a girl, I think my beauty regimen is pretty slim. However, there are a few things I just can't live without, but I figured I'd try. First up was using coconut oil as a face-wash/moisturizer. It worked beautifully and had zero complaints, especially in saving a few steps since it was an all-in-one, but the hairs around my face became oily and it drove in crazy. Unfortunately coconut oil face-wash was out and Neurtrogena Naturals system was back in. Other fun uses for coconut oil in the shower I played with were shaving cream (sadly it clogs up the razor head quickly) and in-shower moisturizer, perfect on cold dry days (This one is sticking around!).

Doing some more reading on natural beauty products and coconut oil uses I stumbled upon a mix of baking soda and coconut oil as deodorant. I was a little hesitant because it took me ages to find a deodorant that would work for me (Thanks, Dove!) but I figured it couldn't hurt. Worse case, I don't smell so hot for one day. Well I'm almost a full work day into the experiment in which I've had my office heater on and wore a black hoodie in the sun at lunch and no sweat! And I smelly coconutty fresh! I'm going to really test it tomorrow with a workout before I make my verdict. If all goes to plan, hello homemade deodorant mix, goodbye aluminum laden pit stick! Stay tuned for results! 

P.S. While I enjoy eliminating unpronounceable chemicals from my life, there are some things that are just damn convenient that won't ever be replaced. Sorry personal welfare, I'm a bit lazy sometimes. 


  1. I've been using the organic facial line from I really like it alot. I didn't like their body lotion so I'm on the hunt for something not full of crap!

  2. Thanks, I'll check it out. It's not completely natural, but I'm in love with C. Booth's Italian Olive Oil body butter from Ulta.
