Thursday, September 20, 2012

Blue balls

9/20/2012 WOD:
"Med Ball" (8 lb)
50 Wall Balls
50 Overhead Walking Lunges
50 Med Ball Cleans
50 Med Ball Sit Ups
800 Meter run with Med ball
20 burpee penalty for every drop of the ball.
Time: 17:58, 0 burpees

My body hates me tonight. All of it. Too bad my brain already penciled in the WOD for tomorrow! Shhh...don't tell my body. It might revolt!

Tonight was pretty tough. Though I don't think I've ever said any night was easy. Note to self: come up with better descriptions for the torture levels of the workouts.
My giant blue ball!  I should have named him since we spent so much quality time together tonight. 

Okay so back to tonight, we had a really small class. Just three of us. And I was the only chick! My trainer friend was teaching which usually makes it a little more fun, but tonight he kept lying to us! And I didn't like it. During the wall balls he said a few times, okay the next part will be easier. Then halfway through the lunges, he said again, just finish up these and the cleans will be easier. Finally as I was about 30 reps deep into my cleans I stopped, looked at him or looked in his general direction because I didn't have my glasses on, and said I think you're lying to us, this is only getting harder! He just laughed and told me to keep moving. However at that point he really was telling the truth because the sit-ups really were easier than the previous three movements.

Referring back to my post from earlier today, you'll understand why I winced when I saw that I was going to have to endure another round of medicine ball sit-ups tonight. They hurt, a lot! Yet somehow I made up the most time during those sit-ups. Caught up to one of the guys and ended up coming in a good 30 seconds before him. It might have even done that round of 50 sit-ups faster than I did my first round on Tuesday, at least it felt like it.

Tonight was another CrossFit first for me too! Running with a medicine ball or any additional weight for that matter was brand new to me. I tried carrying it up on my shoulder like the boys but I was too sweaty and my arms were jello so I carried it like a pregnant woman. Whatever works, right? Between my arms, legs and abs, I was spent. So my run was a combination of a quick walk and very very slow jog. I would have normally felt bad about walking but the two other guys were right here with me so I was perfectly fine with it.

I know tomorrow won't be easy, it never is, but I can always hope, right?

Just curious, did anyone else have this song in their head after reading this? I just can't seem to get it to go away!

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