Monday, September 24, 2012

Go team!

9/21/2012 WOD:
1 Deadlift (35 lb)
1 Clean Squat (35lb)
1 Clean Squat Thruster (35 lb)
Ascending ladder: 1, 2, 3...10. (55 total reps)
Bar must touch the ground between each rep.
Time: 20:07

Holy shit my legs got beat up last week! And this WOD only added to my pain and soreness, which by the way I am still feeling on this Monday morning.

The workout was tough, but I really didn't start to struggle until I started rep six. At first I was bummed that my deadlift weight had to be so low because of the other two movements, but a little later through it I was very grateful!

I somehow managed to finish first among our class, but I think it was also because I had the lightest weight. Don't get me wrong, I was still struggling, my thighs were screaming at me the entire time! Having finished early for a change I was able to watch everyone else and cheer them on like they had all done for me so many times in the past!

I debated back and forth going in Saturday for the WOD since I was so beat up and decided just to go in for my second set of linear progression squats for the week. I knew it was going to be a challenge since my legs were pretty tight, but I managed to get through them. On my third set my trainer suggested I go ahead and add the five lbs for next week to get familiar with the weight on my back. 50 lbs was a success! I'm looking forward to tonight and starting week two.

Just to make sure I got a little sweating in while I was there, I did 6 minutes of kettlebell swings, 30 seconds on, 30 seconds off. I felt much better after and was happy I was able to loosen up my legs and hips some.

While the rest of my weekend was pretty amazing and fun filled, one of the highlights was finally making my way to a Team WOD. Monthly a lot of the Florence CrossFitters gather at one of the gyms and host team workouts. Teams vary anywhere from two-man to five-man and the WODs can be quick or long and brutal. Yesterday's team WOD was at the new CrossFit Florence gym and quite a few of our PDCF guys and gals showed up to represent!

Teams of two competed in the following WOD:
1 mile run
50 Thrusters (115 men/75 lb women)
50 Kettlebell Swings (2/1 pood)
50 Burpees
400 meter bar carry (150 lb-both team members must touch the bar)

I'm not 100% on the weights, but they're pretty damn close! I arrived just after the first heat started their run and was able to get in there to witness the madness. Watching those folks work was really impressive. Most of the people from PDCF who were competing don't typically do the regular WOD and follow their own CrossFit programming plans so it was neat to see them in the thick of it.

After the first and second heat, two of our guys were still holding the fastest time of the day. Then in the final heat, my trainer friend and a newer chick from our place began their domination! I was dying with laughter when they began their thrusters because all of the other folks for PDCF were calling them Team Asstastic, as they're both known for having pretty round asses around our gym. Fortunately the name calling didn't phase them because the ended up finishing up a solid thirty seconds faster than all the other teams for the day.

It was great to see everyone come together for a little friendly competition and to see my fellow PDCF folks do so well! I was asked about 5 times if I was there to compete but I gladly told them I was there as a spectator. Maybe one day I'll compete, but for now I'm content cheering from the sidelines! Already looking forward to next month!

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