Friday, September 21, 2012

Seeking an Intervention

My name is Emily and I am a Google addict. Admitting the problem is the first step, right?

I'm pretty sure there are a whole slew of things I'm addicted to that I could use help with...Mumford and Sons, taking adorable pictures of my puppies, The Beatles, and of course CrossFit....but as of late, my need to completely surround myself with Google has taken a turn for the worse.

I just discovered the Google Store. Not the Play Store or Chrome Market. A store that sells physical Google products.

Before I knew it my cart was filled with items totaling over $50. It all happened so fast!

Fortunately I was able to step away and close the window before entering my credit card information.

Since that day I have caught myself back at that little shop adding things to my cart without even realizing it. Sometimes it's just a Chrome sticker. Other times it's an Android watch and a Google snuggie. There is no science to the madness!

With the news of my Samsung Nexus finally being able to get the Jelly Bean update today, I promptly headed back to the store to purchase a pack of Android stickers to adorn my car with. I didn't even think about it, one second I was reading the article in G-reader and the next I was in the store. Thankfully I closed the window again before breaking out my credit card.

I know it's time I do something about my problem. I am seeking an intervention. A suggestion for a new hobby. A new blog to follow. A new habit to pick up. Anything! Just help me please.

I tried to distract myself at lunch today to keep myself from making a purchase and from constantly checking my phone to see if it had been coated in Jelly Bean flavor yet. However, as soon as I got back to work with nothing in my to-do box I went right back to using Jedi mind tricks on my phone to make the little notification appear.

Fingers crossed a little time at Disney will distract me from my temporary insanity! Five days and counting.

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