Friday, September 14, 2012

Stay on your toes

9/14/2012 WOD:
Open WOD 12.3
18 min AMRAP for total reps
15 Box Jumps
12 Push Press (25 lb)
9 Toes to Bar (knee to elbow)
Total: 216 reps

Tonight's workout was my first Open WOD. I am somewhat familiar with the CrossFit games and watched the games replay on ESPN shortly after I started going to PDCF. Those folks are amazing athletes! Anywho, the games posts Open WODs that anyone can do for a series of weeks. A certain number of the top athletes from each region are then invited to compete in regional events to qualify for the games. I'm glad we could all learn something new today!

After tonight my hands are a little beat up. I guess it's time I break out my new fall nail polish and give myself some cute nails to help distract from the yucky callouses and blisters I've developed.

I am also starting a week long experiment tonight. Well technically it began at 4 pm when I left the office. I have decided to go a week without Facebook. With Twitter and Google +, I don't really post much on Facebook these days. Mostly just sharing interesting stories or local events. I catch myself just getting on it and wasting time when I'm bored. I think that time could be better spent so I'm going to see what else I do with that time over the next 7 days.

I don't think I am ready to give up Facebook totally just yet. I have really dwindled down my 'friends' to those that I actually care to keep up with and will see again in my lifetime. If only I could convince all of those lovely people to mosey on over to Google + where things are much cleaner and simpler my life would be a little grander!

And one final note, I have decided that the best days are started out with a really good laugh. I mean one that you catch yourself laughing about later in the day just for the hell of it! I didn't have the best day at work, but having that hilarious moment to think back about allowed me to make it through the day without harming anyone.

1 comment:

  1. Google+ is far superior with its tidiness, features, and those circles. I love the circles!
