Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Show Me Your Snatch

10/23/2012 WOD:
30 Snatches (25 lb)
Time: 2:47

Last night's WOD was the shortest workout I've done to date with the longest instruction time. I'd like to repeat myself here: PDCF has the most amazing trainers. Ever

The workout was supposed to start at 5:30-ish as per usual, but the first heat didn't start until after 6 because   they wanted to make sure we were all doing the correct form for our snatch. Not only did the instructor help us, so did the gym owner, and three other trainers who weren't on the clock but there for their own workout. It amazed me! The owner helped me and for the first time the process finally clicked. 

Here's a little video from CrossFit HQ if you're curious what a snatch is. It's one of the most complex moves.  One I used to dread, next to the clean and jerk. 

Since I was still mastering the move, he suggested I started holding the bar just above my knee instead of from the ground. Arms as wide as possible. Elbows out. Stick your butt out. Tuck in your lower back. Chest out. Drive with your legs. Weight in your heels. Explode through the hips. Weight on your toes. Bar close to your chest. Shrug. Weight back in your heels. Lift and squat under the bar. Arms locked. Stand. Now think all of that in about two seconds without dropping the bar on your head. Then think it 30 times as fast possible when your forearms, shoulders and quads are screaming! 

Halfway through my heat, the owner came back by, with his client was taking a break, to make sure I was still sticking the form and keeping a good pace. And once I had finished he called me over to where he was working with his client to tell me I had done great and once I rested I should try going up in weight. Then he told me he thought I was also ready to try it from the floor. Having that kind of encouragement made me happier than finally figuring out how to do a snatch. He was working with a client and didn't have to help me on his breaks, but he did. Felt great! 

I'm planning on working on my form while it's still fresh in my mind this coming weekend when I go in. Hopefully I'll be able to make it stick this time! 

For a little humor, here's another video that has been passed around the PDCF folks this week. And as someone who use's the tens regularly I am all too familiar with the sad ones. I do what I can to help those little guys out. Just remember, save the tens! 

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