Sunday, October 14, 2012

E.T. Phone Home

10/11/2012 WOD:
1-1-1-1 Max Jerk
Max: 45 lb
6 RFT:
3 Wall Climbs
200 m Med-ball Run (14 lb)
Time: 15:25

10/12/2012 WOD:
800 m run buy-in
7 RFT:
10 Grasshoppers
10 Dead-lifts (85 lb)
20 Sit-ups
Time: 18:11

I"m a few days late getting these up, but that doesn't mean I'm not still feeling the effects of them! Both of these workouts had new movements I was unfamiliar with, Wall Climbs and Grasshoppers. And neither of them could I do as prescribed, but one day I'll be able to! Below is a little video that just happens to have demos of wall climbs and grasshoppers if you're curious what all the fun was about.

I was pretty excited doing Friday's WOD because I really upped the weight on my dead-lift since last time and with 70 reps total I could feel it. That plus the 140 sit-ups has me a tad bit sore today, but nothing unbearable at all. 

I'm officially seven days into my primal experiment. I could murder a bag of dove milk chocolate squares right now, but other than that I'm doing good. I'm enjoying cooking more and trying new dishes a lot! I also really got tested this weekend when I went to my parents to watch the big game (USC vs LSU, sadly we lost by 2) and they had ordered pizza from one of my favorite local shops. I held strong! I think if I can survive pizza in my face I might be able to make this work. 

Outside of CrossFit and going primal, everything else has been really great lately too. With a lot of my friends out of town this weekend I've spent some good quality time with my pups, who have been especially playful. I had a mini movie marathon that has included Clueless, Steel Magnolias, Forrest Gump and will conclude with E.T. tonight. And I was able to catch up at lunch yesterday with two of my favorite people who have been insanely busy lately.

And I've had one hell of a productive Sunday morning so far. Groceries purchased, breakfast cooked, dishes cleaned, tea brewed, more pineapple cut, dinner going in the crock-pot and all before 10 am! I'm excited about dinner because I'm cooking pot roast which is something I have never cooked before. Seemed like a good dish with the cooler weather. I'm thrilled to end my weekend with a new dish and one of my favorite movies ever! It's going to be a fantastic night! 

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