Sunday, October 7, 2012

Recovery Weekend

10/6/2012 WOD:
12 min AMRAP
10 Push Press (35 lb)
10 Kettlebell Swing (18 lb)
10 Box Jumps
Rounds: 4 2/3

For a Saturday we had a pretty good crowd show up, plus the college kid was back so that made it extra fun! As the workout was being written on the board I thought it wouldn't be too bad, but those push-presses took it all out of me. I think my going three days in a row wore me out a little more than I had thought.

After the workout I got in my second set of squats for the week, doing them for the first time without complete supervision of my trainer. I'm really looking forward to going up to 60 lbs on Monday and seeing how much of a difference I notice.

The rest of my Saturday was pretty fantastic for so many reasons! I spent the majority of my day with my favorite college kid just hanging out and running around town. Enjoyed a night in by cooking myself a super yummy dinner of pork chops smothered with caramelized onions and watched one of my all time favorite movies, Ocean's 11. Topped it off with a cupcake and a laying in bed a little fighting off this cold I refuse to accept I got at Disney. If I tell myself I'm not sick, it's true, right?

And to make the day even a little more sweeter my football team, USC, pulled out an AMAZING win over Georgia, 35-7. First time we've beaten them three years in a row. First time we've been 6-0 since 1988. And first time we've ever won ten consecutive games. What a great time to be a Gamecock!!!

It's been great to be back home and to get back into the swing of things. I was so happy to get away last week but I'm happy to have this weekend at home to recover and to spend some quality time with friends and my two girls. It was just what I needed!

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