Monday, October 8, 2012

Going Primal

Before I ever got joined the CrossFit cult community I knew that there was a different style of eating that generally went along with the lifestyle for most involved. I never had any intention of joining in on the clean-eating, paleo, primal eating movement. I had lost the weight I wanted to lose from hard work in the gym all while still enjoying yummy foods.  Then after spending a few months getting more fit and stronger, I started to see why these folks want to pay so much attention to what they're putting in their bodies. Sure cupcakes taste delicious, but they aren't helping me get strong enough to do my first pull-up.

Given my affinity for mini lifestyle experiments as of late I decided I was going to take on  primal eating starting today through the end of the month. Mark Sisson's Primal Blueprint is what I'm using as my guide. Since I'm not necessarily trying to lose anymore weight, I won't be focusing on counting carbs. Anyone who knows me knows that I have a very deep love for bread and could eat some form of candy everyday if it was acceptable. I'm not sure why I choose the best month of the year for candy to give this a try, but we'll see what happens!

For all my apprehensions about losing the tasty foods I love, I'm equally as excited to cook some new yummy meals I wouldn't be trying otherwise. And to cooks foods I know I love but in ways I haven't tried before is going to be lots of fun!

I'm going into this experiment with an open mind and a positive outlook. While I'm not expecting myself to be sold on all aspects of it at the end of the month, I have a feeling I'm going to take away a lot from it that I will want to continue come November. One thing that I've recently added to my daily routine and will be giving up this month is chocolate milk. I was deeply saddened by the loss. And while it's not paleo or primal or whatever you want to call it, you can count on me picking up another half-gallon on November 1st, whether this new lifestyle continues or not.

And since today is day one here's is what's on my plate for today:

Diced bacon and zucchini omelet
Pineapple chunks

Leftover pork chops with caramelized apples and onions and butternut squash soup

Hamburger hash with peppers and onions

Late night snack:
Orange, banana, and pineapple smoothie

To add to the theme of trying new things along with this experiment, all of my meals today are all brand new things I've never had or cooked before. Yes, that means I've never had an omelet of any kind before. I know I'm crazy! It was really really really good!

I don't intend to track my eating on here daily for the remainder of the experiment but I may from time to time mention what I've eaten lately if I'm especially excited or grossed out by it. Also please excuse any especially crabby or bitchy sounding posts later in the week. Ridding my body of sugar is going to painful!

One last thing, I've decided to add the press to my linear progression experiment starting today. I will start with my current weight of 35 pounds and go up 2.5 lbs each week. I am also jumping up from 55 pounds to 65 pounds this week per the suggestion of my trainer. This was where I capped out a few weeks back when we were gauging a good starting point so I'm eager to see what happens this week and next with it!

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