Thursday, October 25, 2012

Abs of Steel-ish

10/24/2012 LP:
Back Squat: 75 lb
Press: 40 lb

10/25/2012 WOD:
50 sit-ups
25 KB Swings (18 lb)
200 m run
Time: 18:05

I. Do. Not. Like. Sit-ups. I don't think I will ever learn to like them. And depending on the day I'd rather do burpees, which makes NO sense whatsoever. All that said, I managed to do 200 sit-ups tonight and I can still stand upright! I'm already dreading trying to get out of bed in the morning, it's going to be a bitch.

Subtract a few of those plates and that's me! 
Linear progression is coming along pretty well. I can't remember how many weeks in I am at this point for the back squat but I'm up 30 lbs from the starting point which is huge for me. I'm really enjoying it a lot! And it's getting tougher. A little slower to stand up. Not so eager to get as low. Though I know I can do it and I can tell it's helping me in the WODs. Recovery time when we have to do squats, thrusters, wall balls or lunges is greatly improving.

I think long term I'm going to gain more from the press. I was pleasantly surprised how little of a difference I noticed this week moving up to 40 lbs. It's the most weight I've lifted overhead to date. My trainer says I have no excuse for not doing 40 lbs in the WOD's now but I think it will depend on the day. Don't get me wrong, I'm very eager to add some more weight to my bar, but I also know my limits and don't want to hurt myself.

I spent some time yesterday reading back through a few of my first posts for when I was getting started at PDCF and it's crazy how much progress I've made. For a few of the movements I was only using the 15 lb bar. I'm in no way ready to start RXing ever workout, but progress is progress and I'm thrilled!

With the weekend practically here I'm looking forward to spending some time at PDCF working on my form, hanging out with the college kid, catching up with another great friend that's in town for quick visit, and getting my horror movie fix in time for Halloween. It's looking to be a pretty fantastic weekend!

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