Friday, October 5, 2012

Buckets of Sweat

10/4/2012 WOD:
50 yard Bear Crawl
15 slapping push-ups (chest touch knee push-ups)
15 Knee to Elbow (knee to stomach)
Time: 17:39 

Either being away for a few days seriously screwed with my head or I'm really becoming a masochist because when I saw this on the board I thought, "Eh, that doesn't look bad. Should be fun!"

Before we got started mostly everyone was saying how they were dreading the bear crawls but for some reason I enjoy them. And for some other strange reason I'm pretty decent at them. Not necessarily fast, but I don't fatigue quickly doing them. If I weren't for my shirt coming up, I could have made it the whole 50 yards without stopping, even in round 5. Maybe it's because I'm short and being close to the ground is normal for me, who knows!

Surprisingly the hardest part of the WOD was the knee to elbows. Between my hands and arms I was struggling to do more than 3 or 4 at a time. I am happy to report that I left no major blisters or wounds on my hands, except for a minor bruise on the palm of hand from the crawls and push-ups.

I'm really happy to be getting back to my normal routine up there. And I'm even more happy that the anxiety about what's waiting for me on the board is finally leaving. I didn't think that day would come. Who knew pain, torture and buckets of sweat could be so much fun!?!

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