Friday, December 14, 2012

The Queen

12/13/2012 WOD:
12 Handstand Push-ups (Stinkbug)
12 Sit-ups
12 Air Squats
200 m run
Rounds: 4

Yep, still not a fan of stinkbugs. HOWEVER....I was able to do my first round of 12 unbroken. Granted I still can't quite touch my head to the floor, but I'm at least within an inch of it and I'm not able to lower myself down controlled instead of just falling forward like when I started. Progress is progress dammit! Though our trainer was giving me hell for not touching the floor. I tried to tell him, if I touch the ground I can't get back up but he wasn't buying it.

We also were introduced to a new standard for sit-ups. No more bent knees! Legs are straight on the floor and your back comes up to make a 90 degree angle. By the last round I could really start to feel the difference. And don't tell anyone, but I kind of look forward to sit-ups being in a WOD these days. Oh how much can change in 5 months!

The squats were a breeze and so was the run. I made my last run in less than a minute and could finally tell the sprinting is paying off! I made it in the door with 3 seconds to spare! I love it when the trainers come outside to yell at us push us during our runs. It's so easy to slack off, especially at the end when you've already given it your all. It's funny the power that ticking clock can have on you!

The real reason last night was such a great WOD was because the college kid was finally back! And she'll be here for a good three weeks too!!! So excited to get to workout with her again. She has lots of new people to meet that have come in since she left back in August.

Unfortunately I had to miss out the ladies CF Christmas party last night as I had forgotten I had already made plans a few weeks back. Since I had to miss a 5k last weekend that I originally said I'd run and now this party I have officially been given the title of Queen Backer Outerer, even though I've had very legitimate excuses for not making it to both. I must attend the next party, no matter what! We do have a fantastic group of women up there and I always have a great time hanging out with them. I'm sad I missed out, it looks like they had a great time!

Should be another fantastic weekend again! Really looking forward to spending some time with family and friends this weekend and hopefully finding a little time in there to squeeze in my last bit of Christmas shopping.

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