Thursday, December 6, 2012

Jerk It

12/6/2012 WOD:
50 Double Unders (200 singles)
10 Push Jerk (40 lb)
Time: 18:22

After 5 months, I have finally wrapped my head around the jerk. I just didn't think about it for once and I was able to do it for the first time. Why did I ever have such a hard time dropping back under the weight? I love when things just click like that. Makes all the time, energy and sweat worth it. I think I am now finally mostly confident in my ability to do all the standard lifts. And in good form too!

Now if only I could conquer double unders! They're going to take some time, I know. And it's not for lack of understanding how to do them, it's just simple inability. I did finally get to try out a fellow 5:30-er's Rogue jump rope. Or skipping rope as she calls it in her native Canada. I have no problems using the ones we have at PDCF whatsoever, but there is a difference between ours and hers. It's much faster. And the custom length would be awfully nice. Santa, are you paying attention?

Just like usual, the workout flew by and was over before I knew it. Not sure I remember feeling that in the middle of round three, but that's how it sits in my head now. Memory is a funny thing, huh?

The week is winding down again and it's been a fantastic one. Three great workouts. A few more Christmas gifts purchased. Good quality time with my two girls. First holiday baking of the season. Productivity at the office and at home. Lots of laughs with friends. It's been a wonderful week! And looking at my calendar, it looks like they're just going to keep getting better and better as the year comes to an end.

19 days and counting...

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