Saturday, December 22, 2012

Mission Accomplished

12/22/2012 LP:
Back Squat: 120 lb
Press: 45 lb
Prowler Push: 30 yd @ 165 lb, 90 yd @ 115 lb

I did it!!!! This morning I officially squatted more than I weigh. It felt amazing. And heavy! Merry Christmas to me! Standing up for the first time with the bar on my back all I could think of was, I'm heavy. My next goal is to hit 135. While I'm not sure all 15 reps will be possible, if I can at least get one I'll be beyond thrilled. That my next goal because that's just slightly less than I weighed at my heaviest before starting CrossFit. We'll find out in about 3 weeks if it's possible. Oh and in case you haven't done the math like I have, hitting 120 today puts me at adding 75 lbs on the bar since I started. That's how much my dog weighs!

A giant humongous thanks to my trainer for first suggesting I start the progression and secondly for helping me reach my goal! Never would have happened without his help and support.

Instead of sprinting, I decided to give the prowler another go. I've only had a chance to play with it once and that was 5 months ago back in July when I was first starting out. Unfortunately for my max effort push at 165 I forgot to change out of my chucks and into my inov-8s. Either way I went just a little more than double what I was able to back then. I love making progress! I made the switch for my 115 pushes and was spent by my last go. I'm sure between the squats and the prowler I'm going to be feeling it tomorrow.

I spent the majority of my afternoon running all over town with the college kid, seriously we went everywhere. However we were very productive! Wrapped up the last few bits of Christmas shopping and almost finished my 26 Random Acts of Kindness.. I've got #26 left to do and I plan on taking care of it tonight. Doing good deeds for others when they least expect it is an amazing feeling. I highly recommend you try it, even if it's something as small as leaving a dollar on a vending machine for the next person. They'll greatly appreciate it and hopefully they'll pay it forward and do something nice for another stranger. There are still plenty of good people in this world!

Time for dinner with an old college friend! I'm very happy we've reconnected over the last few months. I love catching up with her and having a bit of girl time.

3 days until Christmas!!!

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