Friday, December 21, 2012

The End is Near

12/20/2012 WOD:
10 min AMRAP
30 double unders (120 singles)
15 Power Snatch (35 lb)
Rounds: 3 + 90 singles

I was feeling off all day and wasn't overly thrilled about working out but I had a feeling I'd feel back to normal once I did it. Thankfully, I was right!

My goal was 3 rounds. Mission accomplished! I was able to do my first two sets of singles unbroken which I was pretty happy about. The second round especially because I was beat after the first!

It was also my first time doing snatches from the ground. I know my form isn't 100% accurate, but I felt good about it. Tried to remember to keep the bar close to my body and to shrug it up instead of pulling it out and then overhead. I was more unsure about the weight going into it than my form. And surprisingly it didn't feel heavy at all. That said, my traps are pretty sore this morning. Tom Hardy I'm coming for you. Expect me to play your long lost sister in Warrior 2.

Another first last night at PDCF was that I felt for the first time I looked like a CrossFitter. Not that I was going for that feeling or look, but my wardrobe came together for what I think of as one of the iconic looks for women in CrossFit. Part 1: The Shoes. Part 2: The Shorts Part 3: The CF Gym Shirt. Of course there are variations on this look. However, there was another girl in there last night with me wearing almost an identical outfit. Same shoe, but different colour. Same cut of shorts, but different brand and colour. And we both had on our gray PDCF Go. Hard. shirts. Actually three of us were rocking the same shirt. While I don't feel like I need to dress a certain way to workout, it was neat to wear one of the "standard outfits."

I was very glad it was a short workout because I had a fun girl's night planned with two of my favorite people! We gabbed, exchanged gifts, talked about boys, got yummy food and watched Pitch Perfect, which they both adore apparently. It was a great night and worth missing out on a little sleep for. Planning to get at least one more in before their break is over, but hopefully two!

Four days until Christmas!!!!!! 

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