Sunday, February 17, 2013

Snow day

2/15/2013 WOD:
10 min AMRAP
10 Toes to Bar
30 yd Bear Crawl
Rounds: 6

Soooooooo.....I went in Friday with a hurt foot. I just couldn't stay away. I had come up with my own small 5 RFT row/push-up/sit-up workout that would keep me pressure off my foot. But then, I saw the words bear and crawl on the board. I couldn't resist! I still don't know what it is but I just love the bear crawl.

It was a night of firsts! Back track to pre-wod when I had a few minutes to kill I wanted to see what my max clean was. I haven't tested it since late summer. Guess who has a new PR? A 15 lb PR! My current max is 70 lbs!!! Second first, after the warm-up just before the clock got started, I was loosening up on the bar. Loosened up enough to finally get my little piggies to touch the bar! As I assumed, I was only able to maintain it for the first three reps or so in the first round, but either way, I can now do it!

Best part was I left the gym with barely any foot pain. I suppose the bear crawls stretched it out some.

All that said the best part of the weekend was yet to come. I knew we were in for much cooler weather but I hadn't really paid much attention to it. I heard on the radio a chance of snow flurries Saturday night but didn't think too much about it. Then late morning my mom called while out running errands to tell me it was snowing at their house. It flurried on and off for a few after mixed with some rain but nothing worth getting excited about. Then at about 8:30-ish after finishing dinner with the college kid and boyfriend, we got word it was snowing again. Opened my back door and the backyard was beautifully covered and the biggest snow flakes I have ever seen were coming down. My pups when crazy trying to catch snow flakes and running in circles in it!

Bundled up in my snow boots, ski pants and big coat we went for an early walk this morning before it could really start melting. The trees and yards were beautiful. I'm so glad we get snow so rarely so we can really appreciate it and enjoy it. Even managed to get some good sledding on at the golf course near my parents house. A perfect snow day! 

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