Saturday, February 2, 2013

Half Off

2/2/2013 WOD:
"Cindy" (1/2)
10 min AMRAP
5 Pull-ups (jumping)
10 Push-ups (knees)
15 Air Squats
Rounds: 7

I'm pretty sure Cindy will always no matter what kick my ass! We opted to do 10 minutes instead of the 20 minutes with the idea that you go all out the entire time and aren't completely gassed the second 10 minutes struggling with bad form. I kept that in mind throughout it. Kept my rests between reps as short as possible and only when my body wouldn't allow one more unbroken rep. I was shooting for 8 or 9 rounds but missed the mark. I do think it could have been possible except that somewhere around the end of round 2 my left knee had a sharp pain running through it thus caused me to slow my squats down to figure out a comfortable way to complete them. Thankfully the pain was gone shortly after the time ran out.

And because Cindy wasn't torture enough I decided to work on my pull-ups by doing negatives and strict pull-ups with the really small band. My arms and back will thank me tomorrow! Then for a little more agony I thought pushing the prowler at 115 lbs would be a grand idea. 120 yards later my quads were shot.

Had a pretty productive morning around the house and managed to hit up 2 of my 7 stops before lunch! I love my town, but unfortunately we don't have one grocery store/market that meets all of my picky needs. Thus on a weekend like this one, I'll travel to three grocery stores, local market, butcher shop, and Target to get everything I need. While I need more this weekend than usual, hitting up at least two grocery stores, Target and the market are pretty much the norm. It's slightly a bit insane but I make it work. Don't judge me!

Super amped to hit up Sweet with the college kid this afternoon and hangout with her some more over dinner and cards with the boyfriend tonight! Then tomorrow are the big games (Puppy Bowl and Super Bowl) with my fellow cult members the folks at PDCF! Another fun weekend in the books. Life sure is grand!

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