Friday, February 1, 2013


1/31/2012 WOD:
15 Thrusters (50 lb)
200 m run
20 Thrusters (45 lb)
400 m run
30 Thrusters (35 lb)
800 m run
Time: 18:20

With my recent feelings toward the late start and larger classes I went into PDCF tonight with 3 potential plans for the workout:
  1. Do the WOD on the board with the 5:30 class
  2. Do a workout from if the class is too large or the WOD is longer than 20 minutes
  3. Do a workout suggested by the boyfriend if class is too large, too long and weather isn't good for plan #2. 
Option 2 is what happened! Class surprisingly was the perfect size and I wanted to participate for that reason alone, but the workout was pushing 20 minutes and they were taking too long to get started. involved 80 handstand push-ups which means I would have been doing 80 stinkbugs which I loathe with a burning fiery passion! 

Since I'm not the best at programming and tend to focus on a hand full of movements I enjoy I decided to browse the official CrossFit site to see if I could find a WOD that was going to be a challenge, not like something I've done recently, and fun. From the reaction of the trainers last night, I was the only one who thought it would be fun to do! I was through my first 15 thrusters and out the door after a little over a minute. I figured I was on pace to finish about 12-15 minutes. Then came round two of thrusters. My shoulders couldn't tell 5 lbs had been dropped whatsoever. I was struggling to do 5 reps at a time. Then thankfully the 10 lb drop in weight for the final 30 was noticeable. I got through the first 11 straight but then had to start breaking it up again. My wrists and shoulders were screaming! 

All that said I think I want to do it again in a month and see if I can improve my time. It was a great workout and I think thrusters are probably my favorite lift. Clean + squat + push press = fun times! 

I'm super excited to go in Saturday because we're doing Cindy! Well 1/2 Cindy to be specific. 10 minutes instead of the standard 20. Last time I did 14 full rounds so this time I'm shooting for 8 to 9 rounds since I won't have to pace myself as much. If I could get 10 rounds I might cry!

The rest of the weekend should be pretty great too! The college kid is FINALLY coming back home! I haven't seen her in almost a month which is unheard of. And the gym is having a team WOD and Super Bowl party Sunday night which I'm pretty stoked about. Yummy foods, good company, football and fun commercials! For no real reason whatsoever I'm putting my money on the Ravens. The boyfriend and I even have a friendly wager going on to make it even more interesting. Fingers crossed those puppies predicted correctly and I don't have to pay up!

Also if you live under a rock and don't know, the Puppy Bowl is also this Sunday and it's probably one of the most adorable things in the entire world! Animal Planet has had a live feed of locker room activity for the last week for a few of the pups. Do yourself a huge favor and check it out. I've had it on all week and my work place attitude has never been happier! 

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