Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Dead weight

2/4/2013 LP:
Back Squat: 120 lb
Press: 50 lb
Deadlift: 115 lb
Sprint: 8 x 40 yd

I must admit, after last week's failed attempt at squatting in general I was slightly anxious going into tonight's squat. I decided to add a short set of light weight squats (75 lb) to my warm-up and to go in thinking the bar would be light. It must have worked because while it wasn't exactly light, it felt much lighter than last week and lighter than when I hit 120 the first time around Christmas. I was able to get all 15 reps and I feel like my depth was better this time around too.

The press was still just as heavy. However, the second and third sets got easier with each rep instead of harder. Strange indeed!

After reading this article last week, I decided I was going to try the low bar position mostly to get my hamstrings a little work. I quickly realized low bar was not for me! That said I still wanted to give my hammys something to do. I can't be all quads or I'll fall forward, right? So I decided to add the deadlift into my Monday night lifting routine. Though I won't be doing a typical progression. I'll only do one set of five and I'll stick with that weight for a few weeks before going up about 5 lbs. My max a few months back was 135 so I'll slowly work my way back up to that and hopefully pass it by.

I can see a HUGE carryover from the squat and press to CrossFit so I imagine I'll see some improvement from adding the deadlift too. Or least I hope to!

Last night my new hiking boots finally arrived for the big trip to Whistler next fall! I accidentally stumbled upon them last week when looking at the new colour choices for the F-lite 195's. I adore my invo-8's and Zappos had them on sale so I figured I'd give them a shot. Worst case, I returned them and kept looking. And lucky for me my sister and her fiance gave me a gift card for my birthday specifically for trip purchases! The shoes fit perfectly, are incredibly light and comfortable. I'm taking them out for a walk tonight and cannot wait to get my first hike in!

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