Sunday, January 6, 2013

Onward and upward

1/5/2013 WOD:
8 min AMRAP
3 Push-Press (50 lb)
5 KB Slams (26 lb)
Rounds: 8

This was my first almost DNF (did not finish) workout and I still didn't complete all of it. I'm recovering from a cold and thought I was feeling up for it when 2 minutes in my throat was on fire. I opted to continue but got water after every round and took my time. After the AMRAP we were supposed to do a 6 x 25 yd prowler push at 115 lbs but I just knew the cold weather would send me over the edge so I opted to be a cheerleader instead.

As the day went on it just got better and better. The college kid and I did some clearance shopping after the WOD and hung out for the first time in days. I'm so sad she's about to head back to school for another semester! Boyfriend came over for the first of a few surprises to bring me a great plant he had gotten me for my birthday then we took his pup for a long walk. And the night capped off with a birthday dinner that boyfriend totally arranged with my family and friends at my most favorite local pizza place. I knew he had planned dinner but the location was a surprise. Even crazier was that he's pretty strict with his paleo lifestyle so he hadn't had pizza in about two years and hadn't had any sweets or baked goods since August and he indulged in both for my birthday festivities. I had such a great time with everyone and was totally worth the extra sore throat from laughing/coughing so much with everyone. Wonderful way to spend my last night at 28 and to bring in 29.

And a BIG happy birthday to little baby Roma! You're 4 years old now but I have a feeling I'll always call you baby Roma. You were an impulse decision I regretted for a good solid week but life just wouldn't have been the same without you in it. Your big sister Beane and I just can't get enough of your cuddles.

So far 29 is off to a fantastic start (cupcake for breakfast...hello, can't beat that!) and I know this year is just going to continue to get better!

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