Monday, January 14, 2013


1/12/2013 WOD:
8 min AMRAP
Do each movement to fatigue
Walking Lunges
Push-ups (knee)
Reps: 201

1/14/2013 LP:
Back Squat: 110 lbs
Press: 50 lbs
Sprints: 5 x 40 yd

Boy oh boy am I one tired girl! Lunges left my legs and butt sore. Push-ups killed my shoulders and triceps. Thankfully I think tonight's squats and press gave all the sore muscles a good stretch. I also did a few extra hip and hamstring stretches with my warm-up that made a major difference. No hip pain whatsoever during the squats which was fantastic!

I did somehow manage to hurt my foot over the weekend. I'm not exactly sure what caused it but while running errands Saturday afternoon I noticed the outside middle of my left foot was a little sore. As the afternoon and night went on I could hardly put any pressure on it without major pain. I thought it was feeling better yesterday morning but after doing some walking and washing a few trucks I quickly realized it was in my best interest to get off of it. I felt pretty guilty just sitting around while everyone else was hard at work but I really didn't want to do any more damage. I spent last evening barefoot which seemed to help a great deal. Today I just had minor discomfort and decided lifting and sprinting should be okay, however now I'm thinking it was a bad idea. Currently I thinking I'll skip the WOD tomorrow and go vibrams or barefoot the rest of the week to see it if helps speed up the healing process. Fingers crossed it's a minor bruise and will be cured by Thursday.

Other than the foot injury and residual soreness from the workout, my weekend was fantastic. Wonderful weather for January, great weekend with the boyfriends family, amazing night in cooking dinner together Saturday night and catching a movie plus we got to come home to a hopefully soon-to-be-regular weekly family dinner with my family. Oh and I finally got to get the Lululemon pants I had been eyeing for the big Whistler trip. Unfortunately they weren't on sale in the store but I was able to try them on and order them. Thanks mom and dad for the gift card for my birthday!!!

Looking forward, short of the hurt foot, it should be a really great week! Taking on some new-ish responsibilities at work, starting planning for the Mt. Mitchell bucket list hike, hopefully finally getting to see The Hobbit with my dad and of course a good workout here and there.

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