Monday, July 9, 2012

In the beginning...

Without delving into the entire story of why,which may come later, I have noticed a trend in my life as of late. I've been trying lots of new things, many of which for the first time in my life. Things that most people who know me might say "Emily did that?" with the look of shock and awe smeared across their faces.  Well maybe not shock and awe, more like confusion or surprise. Quiet little me has been doing some things that aren't very 'me' lately.

I've decided this would be a fantastic opportunity to keep track of these new things I've been incorporating into my life via this wonderful handy little blog. I'm hoping by keeping up with these new things and how I feel about them I'll figure out if they've been a part of me all along or if it's something I'm just doing to scratch it of a figurative list. And that maybe I'll try even more new things for the first time because I'm writing here.

So here's goes nothing....

Unfortunately keeping a blog isn't new or a first, however if I can maintain it for longer than a month that will be a first for sure!

Today's first is CrossFit.

I was not ever and still have a hard time considering myself an athlete or athletic. I started running, irregularly, about 2 years ago and have been playing non-competitive Ultimate Frisbee with friends almost weekly for about a year now. I've been been a card-carrying gym member off and on for about 5 years, but I've never been a fit or strong person by a longshot.

On a warm SC Sunday two weeks ago a wonderful friend of mine invited myself and another buddy to join her at Pee Dee CrossFit (PDCF) for their free beginners class. We walked in, signed the waiver without giving it a glance, learned the standard warm-up, and did a little 10 minute class. That little 10 minute class of theirs left me in more pain and soreness than I've ever experienced in my life. But I was hooked! I couldn't stop thinking about CrossFit and how I needed it in my life, stat.

To become a member at PDCF, everyone must go through a series of four fundamental classes to learn the standard moves likes squats, lifts, presses. The classes conclude with more simple workout than the 'pros' do that still leaves you dripping in sweat and in shear agony. Luckily a good friend of mine works at PDCF and teaches some of the fundamental classes so that took a little bit of the nerves away. After just 3 classes, he cleared us to go all in to the real classes.

Anxious doesn't even beging to describe how I felt walking into to the 5:30 Workout of the Day (WOD) class tonight.  Let me clarify that I'm the back of the Zumba class kind of girl. The one who dreads when we make the turn and everyone can see me. I'm the quiet one who goes to the gym at off hours to do weights so I don't get in the way of the people who really know what they're doing. And the one who starts to hurt or get tired just a little bit and talks myself into leaving. That's me.

Luckily my new CrossFit pal was there starting Day 1 with me and my friend, the instructor, came in on his off day to help show me the ropes and cheer us on. That, plus everyone being SUPER friendly and helpful, made all the difference in the world. Not only did I survive, I worked out right in the middle of everyone, pushed myself far past my limit and finished in a pretty respectable time.

Since this is CrossFit is completely new to me and not something I ever thought I could do I'll be listing the WOD's I do along with my time and how I felt after to keep track of my progress.

7/9/2012 WOD:
6 rounds for time.
9 Cleans (15 lb bar)
12 Overhead Squats (15 lb bar)
15 Toe to Bar (Toe to Stomach)
40 yard Bear Crawl
Time: 24:45

Not only was this my first real class with legit moves and other CrossFitters, but my longest workout to date. Most of the other workouts during Fundamentals lasted about 10 minutes max, not to say they weren't hard, but they were much shorter. Nearing the end of round two it crossed my mind that I physically wouldn't be able to finish, that my legs were going to give out squatting and crawling and that I would fail on the first day. While I don't think it was a miraculous event that occurred tonight, something happened that got me through the 6 rounds and I feel absolutely amazing! Not only physically, but mentally as well because I allowed myself to finish and didn't back out as usual.

Well here's do day one of CrossFitting, blogging, and continuing this new trend of firsts in my life, may there be many more to come!

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