Tuesday, July 17, 2012

It hurts to type

I'll start this off by getting my WOD over with, which is exactly how I feel when I'm doing it.

7/17/2012 WOD:
Sled push, 165 lbs: 14 yards
Metcon: For time
100 sit-ups
40 goblet squats (18 lb)
50 burpees
40 goblet squats (18 lb)
100 sit-ups
Time: 19:06

To say that today's WOD sucked is an understatement. I was really anxious about the sled push because we didn't have a choice on the weight, all women did 165 lbs. I was pretty sure I wouldn't move it, but decided if I could that 10 yards was my goal. As far as the metcon, I'm still not totally sure how I finished it, especially in under 20 minutes. All I know is that everything between my neck and shoulders is completely fatigued. And yet a little part of me is looking forward to what Thursday's class holds. 

The best part of tonight was when I finished an my trainer friend came over and said to me, "You said you couldn't do it. Bullshit" He was right. I didn't think I could move the sled. I didn't think I could survive 200 sit-ups, but I did. 

I'm going to back track again to my handy dandy list of things I did for the first time before I started this little thing. Today's topic: going out on the town in Charleston. 

Having grown up in South Carolina, I've been to Charleston plenty of times. I even went a few weeks ago on a whim to see a band play and drove right back so I could be at work bright and early the next morning. So visiting that fabulous city is not new to me whatsoever. However, going down for the night with the sole purpose of getting dressed up and going to bars and clubs, that's brand spanking new! 

Anyone who knows me knows I'm pretty quiet, not one who dances in public, and not one eager to go bar hopping since I don't drink. So getting all dressed up, putting on my most comfortable heels (they don't exist) and going bar hopping looking for the best music to move to was totally new to me. It's not that it was something I never wanted to do, we just don't have the best locations in my city and going to Charleston for the night didn't really cross my mind. 

Verdict: It was a blast and next time I'll choose better footwear. The group got split up after dinner at Hōm and we ended up at a tiny bar/club called Torch. The atmosphere was good, the music was a little more techy than I think most of us wanted, and the mix of people were a bit odd, but overall I was pretty disappointed when it was time to leave. I wasn't taking over the dance floor, but I danced a tiny bit with my group of friends and loved every second of it. One of the girls who went with us is a student at College of Charleston so we're already making plans to go back in the fall to visit and go out again. And I'm ready to count the days! I'm working on my confidence for next time to dance a little more. 

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