Monday, August 26, 2013


Why is it every time I tell someone I don't want to have kids the first thing out of their mouth is that I'll change my mind followed shortly by the fact that I need a kid.

Sure, I may change my mind, but it's been pretty set for about 10+ years now. The only time I ever thought about it differently was shortly after I realized I was getting divorced and that my window for having kids was closed. That lasted about a week and then I was over it.

And no, I don't need a kid. Especially if I don't want one. That makes zero sense!

Don't get me wrong, I love kids! They're fun, entertaining and can make you feel like a kid again yourself. But they're also exhausting, expensive and you don't know what you're going to get.

I think people who want kids should have kids.

I don't think people should have kids for tax benefits or because it's just what you do at a certain point in your life.

I was slightly concerned when the boyfriend and I started getting serious because I wasn't sure what his stance was. I knew he had nieces and nephews that he loved being around and figured like most he wanted kids eventually. Thankfully, he and I are on similar pages. We're content being the fun aunt and uncle. Take the kids for a weekend, feed them a bunch of sugar, but give them back when they start getting grumpy.

Maybe if we asked people why they wanted children instead of why they didn't want children we'd have more kids born into happy healthy homes.

P.S. The boyfriend would make an amazing dad if we ever change our minds.

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