Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Hippy Report

3/16/2013 WOD:
10 min AMRAP
Push Press (45 lb)
Pull-Up (banded)
Rounds: 4

3/18/2013 LP:
Back Squat: 1x5, 110 lbs, 3x8, 95 lbs
Bench Press: 3x5, 50 lbs
Deadlift: 1x5, 125 lbs

I learned a very very valuable lesson over the past few days. Do not ever try double-unders wearing vibram five fingers. Or any shoe that allows the top of your foot to be exposed. I hurts like a bitch when you don't quite jump high enough and the rope smacks the top of your foot. Stupid me, it took me three different attempts to really learn my lesson.

Saturday's workout wasn't my favorite but wasn't the worst in the world either. I mostly didn't like having to get into the band for just one pull-up. However it was quick and relatively painless so no real complaints!

The boyfriend coach and I had to fight over the last remaining squat rack last night. I'm way ready for the new rigs and equipment to come in. Even more excited to see how the overall layout changes. Back to the progression...we really didn't have to fight, just alternated between sets. I did feel guilty that he kept having to unload and reload all his weight, but he was adamant that we swap. Gotta do what coach says, right? Coach also told me to add an extra rep to my lighter load on the squat. Success! I think he might know what he's talking about. I also think he might be doing a bit of experimentation on me since women can do things slightly differently than men when it comes to weight lifting. Thus the higher reps. I don't mind playing guinea pig every now and then.

I'm two days late but this weekend was absolutely fantastic! Spent almost all of it outdoors. Walking, shopping at the market, eating, building a raised garden, getting some sun by the pool. All kinds of good stuff! Sadly next weekend is looking colder and rainy. Finger's crossed it's the last bit of winter!

Now for my full report on my hippy experiment. At least until full S.C. summer hits, I'm sticking with my new coconut oil and baking soda deodorant. I went all day Friday and into Saturday afternoon without reapplication (don't judge my lack of shower, I went for a morning workout and worked in the yard, why shower for that?!?) and I didn't stink! I noticed a slight bit more sweat on Sunday on a walk, but still no odor. So I'd say it works great as a deodorant and only okay as an anti-perspirant on excessively warm days. I didn't notice excess sweat while working out at all the past few days. I'm only a few days in and it's already seamlessly in my morning routine. I'll report back again once the heat starts coming in.

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