Friday, November 30, 2012

Baby Its Cold Outside

Thirty Days of Thankfulness
Day 28: I am thankful for the cold weather.

Now that Christmas time is almost here, I expect there to be cold weather. Living in the south, there is no telling what the weather will be from day to day, even in December. I'm grateful it's been cooler this week and I've been able to bundle up. Makes it feel more like Christmas!

Day 29: I am thankful for a good night's sleep.

I had a pretty late stressful night on Tuesday so I was very thankful last night to be able to crash early and sleep well through the night. I was mentally and physically drained all day yesterday, but today I feel back to my normal self. Amazing what sleep can do for you!

11/29/2012 WOD:
10 min AMRAP
10 Kettlebell Swings (26 lb)
10 Pull-ups (Jumping)
10 Push-ups (knee)
Rounds: 6

3 minute rest

Double Unders (4x singles)
Time: 13:22

Well tonight totally made up for taking Tuesday and Wednesday off. This was the first time I've done a WOD that was pretty much two workouts.

I was asked after what the worst part was I couldn't really say. None of it was was excruciating, but nothing was particularly easy either. Its funny how easy 60 KB swings, push-ups, and pull-ups are when you break them down. Even funnier how easy 150 sit-ups and 600 single unders are when broken down. A strange thing is that with both workouts, I picked up the pace as time went on instead of slowing down.

The only thing in these workouts I didn't scale was the sit-ups and kettlebell swings. Super lame! Time to start working on standard push-ups and double unders. Thankfully Ryan Gosling is always there for me when I can't Rx.

With my energy levels spiked I spent the rest of my evening finishing up cleaning my house out. I have one more full load of things to donate this weekend. Its a good feeling knowing everything I have now is actually used regularly and not just collecting dust. Yay for productivity!

Now to look forward to a Flannel Friday, hopefully getting my car back, and a nice relaxing weekend! 

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