Wednesday, November 7, 2012

No sweat

11/7/2012 WOD:
5 Thrusters (40 lb)
5 Pull-ups (Jumping)
5 Lateral Burpees

Woot woot! Finally upped the weight for a bar movement in the WOD. I know I could have done it sooner but I'm glad I waited because I was much more confident going into it. Just like last week's thrusters, my legs did great and it was my shoulders and arms that fatigued. I'm sure the pull-ups and burpees didn't help. What surprised me most about the workout was how quickly I got winded from round to round. I was happy to hear another one of the regulars say the same thing. Goal tonight was under 10 so I'm very pleased. Also, I don't sweat enough apparently, if you were curious.

Just in case you have looked at a calendar lately, Thanksgiving is two weeks from tomorrow. Two weeks! How the hell did that happen? I was just sitting out by the pool  enjoying the end of summer. My dad has told me since I was little that the older you get the faster time passes and boy was he right. Don't get me wrong, I am really really really excited the holidays are upon us. Seeing sales on turkey's and my local market getting ready for Christmas trees had me jumping up and down inside. I just can't believe it's that time of year again already. Things will be much different this year for me than in years past, but I'm still just as much in the holiday spirit already, if not more!

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