Saturday, October 27, 2012

Short and not so sweet

10/27/2012 WOD:
Tabata: Total burpees only
Dead-lift (105 lbs)
Reps: 47

This morning's workout was quick and I loved that! I typically enjoy tabatas because of their quickness and their ability to still cause lots of pain. Today's was no exception! Our trainer told us to focus on form and heavy weight with our dead-lifts and for that reason we wouldn't be tracking the reps. And for that reason I went up 20 lbs from my last dead-lift in a WOD. Boy did I feel it! Typically I was getting about 4 reps per 20 second round. However, at the same time I could tell I wasn't struggling as much as I thought I would. I guess those LP squats are starting to pay off!

Quick update on my primal/paleo experiment. After the immense cravings I was having last week I sat down and decided what I would need to include into the lifestyle to be able to maintain it without feeling like I was going to pull my hair out. Since that adaptation it's been gravy! And I think I can maintain this way of eating pretty permanently. I'm sticking with the main diet of meats, veggies and fruits and am adding to it on a regular occasion beans and more dairy, including chocolate milk. I am going to occasionally allow myself to have peanut butter, chocolate, and good pizza (homemade or local quality pizza, no pizza hut crap). And on holidays such as Thanksgiving, Christmas, 4th of July or my birthday all bets are off! I haven't changed much this week since my 'rules' have changed except having beans on night in soup and having chocolate milk every morning. Those little things alone have kept all cravings aside!

Tonight I'm cooking a new dish that I'm pretty excited about! Parmesean roasted sweet potatoes and something I found on pinterest called Heroin Chicken. We'll see if it's as addicting as the site says it is! Tasty dinner and scary movies should make for a pretty fabulous night!

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